scaredy cats!


10 Years
Apr 17, 2009
East Texas
I put my two buff's and my one cambell in the big duck pin today out of the brooder. They have alway's been scared of me and freaked out every time I touched them so I made sure everyday I picked them up three times a day and three times a day they FREAKED OUT!!!! So of course when I put them in the big pin today THEY FREAKED! They were fine after they realized they were free ( free of me that is). So I hope they do fine cause catching them will be hard those bugers can run. They are so tubby they are almost as big as my grown runners and they are only six weeks old geeze i guess they are gonna be big? Are they gonna get as big as pekins?
It's funny cause ALL my ducklings that are left with mum are the same! But buy the time they reach breeding they usually settle down! Not sure about the size thing.... but aren't buffs meat birds and really chunky when grown?

Sounds like MY buff ducks LOL

My 3 were terrified of people, even though we raised them from ducklings! Always terrified! Well... They've been out in their own house for a while and sure they still don't want to be picked up, but they are easier to catch now than they were before.

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