School assignment help!


Dense Egg Goo
9 Years
Mar 22, 2010
Sacramento CA
I am doing a paper on backyard family run chicken meat and egg farms (either to sell or personal use) vs big company battery hen egg farms, and would like any help offered! I will be doing a lot of research and wanted to know a few things from people here.

Has anybody here had a salmonella (or similar) scare/wipeout?

If anybody here has rescued battery hens can you post any before/after pictures??

Also, if you do reply I would like to use pictures and/or comments and can either site the resource as Backyard Chickens, or by username. Now I am off to research my butt off! Thanks for any help! I just need personal experience rather then facts, thanks again!
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We're a newer chicken family so we only have our first flock I'm sure there are more experienced chicken folk on here that would help. Ask a question...i'll give what I know.

Hi. There was actually an article in our local paper today stating that there has never been a recorded case of salmonella in byc. You might be able to find it online. Palm beach post ,under view. The article may be of interest to your paper. Gl. If for some reason it won't come up pm me I can mail you the article
A very interesting topic. I would love to read your article. A friend of mine said that he once contracted salmonella. But I'm not sure if he was telling the truth.
Yes I would be willing to help, yes I butcher and process my own flock, and consume the eggs.

No salmonella (to my knowledge) linked to my flock. Certainly no wipe outs, or even scares. A repeat customer is picking up 60 eggs from me today, in about an hour.

No, I've not rescued battery birds.

Contrary to representations of the commenter above, salmonella has been traced to backyardsalmonella has been traced to backyard birds, birds, but its entirely possible its not been conclusively traced to backyard flocks in their area. Not that commercially prepared birds are any guarantee.

If you are planning a research heavy paper for school, I STRONGLY recommend spending some time on this page, and the pages it links to. Just be aware that the CDC (and the news media) find value in "hype" - comparing numbers provided by the CDC itself can help provide context, always valued in serious reporting.

For instance, on their main page, the CDC claims Salmonella is responsible for 1.35 million infections, 26,500 hospitalizations, and 420 deaths annually (approximately). The big, 43 state, Salmonella "outbreak" in backyard flocks that recently made the news involved 163 known cases of illness and 34 hospitalizations. That's 0.012% of the expected average annual infections, and 0.13% of the expected hospitalizations.

and at the same time they were warning of Salmonella in backyard flocks, they were also warning of Salmonella in brie (cheese), wild songbirds (mostly pacific west coast US), wild turkey, and pet turtles.

good luck!

/edit oh, and as you can see in my signature below, I am licensed to sell both raw poultry and shell eggs (that is, eggs for human consumption, as opposed to hatching eggs) in the State of FL. You can certainly source me by user name, and I'd be more than happy to provide my bona fides to your instructor upon request. Otherwise, I value my privacy.
Yes I would be willing to help, yes I butcher and process my own flock, and consume the eggs.

No salmonella (to my knowledge) linked to my flock. Certainly no wipe outs, or even scares. A repeat customer is picking up 60 eggs from me today, in about an hour.

No, I've not rescued battery birds.

Contrary to representations of the commenter above, salmonella has been traced to backyardsalmonella has been traced to backyard birds, birds, but its entirely possible its not been conclusively traced to backyard flocks in their area. Not that commercially prepared birds are any guarantee.

If you are planning a research heavy paper for school, I STRONGLY recommend spending some time on this page, and the pages it links to. Just be aware that the CDC (and the news media) find value in "hype" - comparing numbers provided by the CDC itself can help provide context, always valued in serious reporting.

For instance, on their main page, the CDC claims Salmonella is responsible for 1.35 million infections, 26,500 hospitalizations, and 420 deaths annually (approximately). The big, 43 state, Salmonella "outbreak" in backyard flocks that recently made the news involved 163 known cases of illness and 34 hospitalizations. That's 0.012% of the expected average annual infections, and 0.13% of the expected hospitalizations.

and at the same time they were warning of Salmonella in backyard flocks, they were also warning of Salmonella in brie (cheese), wild songbirds (mostly pacific west coast US), wild turkey, and pet turtles.

good luck!

/edit oh, and as you can see in my signature below, I am licensed to sell both raw poultry and shell eggs (that is, eggs for human consumption, as opposed to hatching eggs) in the State of FL. You can certainly source me by user name, and I'd be more than happy to provide my bona fides to your instructor upon request. Otherwise, I value my privacy.
the thread was from 2010...

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