School Project**Please read**

Registered Green Party, as I live in Massachusetts--our electoral votes always go Democrat regardless, so I mostly vote for third party candidates. That way they can get a voice and bring up some issues the Big Two don't talk about. In general I don't think anyone really represents my views.
Republican, through and through. I'll be voting for McCain... although I'm not totally sold. I do think he's the lesser of three evils.

Not that it matters because I'm in California... our electoral votes always go to the Democrats, but I believe in getting out there anyway.

Edited to add: I'm very pleased that everyone has been respectful of each other's views!
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I usually end up voting Democratic, but I try to not put labels to myself. I respect people from both sides, and some that fall into niether. But, you can put me down as Democratic.
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Registered Republican. I'll be curious to see how your results come out. My class took a poll to see the percentage of registered Republican, Democrat, or Other, then broke it down into what party you are registered with but what party will you vote?
I have never voted. Why? Because I just don't feel like any of them could pass a lie detector, and to me, that is the most important thing. I like to know that what someone says is what they truly mean. I wish someone would come along and be worth voting for, either way........................................

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