Schoolhouse Rock Rocks! =)

Camelot Farms

10 Years
Jun 5, 2009
VA,TN,NC Tri-State area
LOL... just introduced 8 yr old DD to School House Rock when she was struggling with some grammar issues.

I had no idea how many School House Rock 'episodes' there were.

She is now listening to Elbow Room, Elbow ta, got ta get me some elbow room...

I think she is addicted!
There were 46 original episodes and they are available on DVD. I loved those.
...Conjunction junction what's your function?... Moving out words and phrases and clauses...

Boy, that's digging deep into the mire that is my brain.
They still play Schoolhouse Rock on TV?? I used to watch that all the time.

What's happened to kid's shows these days? Whatever happened to The Big Friendly Giant, Mr. Dressup, Today's Special, Fred Penner!
Now its all nonsense shows, children's mush, like those wretched teletubbies creatures. Way to teach young ones proper speech!

Does anybody remember the British show "Rainbow"? I remember watching it before afternoon Kindergarten along with my other kiddie shows. It had two guys and a girl, a big bear, a pink puppet named "Zippy" who had a zipper for a mouth? I saw part of an episode online and it surprised me to say the least. Does anybody else know what I'm talking about? Can anyone remember that show clearly? Were all the episodes so inappropriate?
My Husband remembers watching it too when he was little, and my mom remembers the show but can't recall the details.
They sell the whole thing on DVD. I bought the entire set when my eldest was struggling with his times tables.

Aw, the memories...

I can still sing the preamble to the Constitution.

And I love the Interjection song to the tune of the Hallelujah Chorus.
Mr. Morton is the subject of the sentence, and what the predicate (sp?) says, he does!

It's so much easier to learn things, when it goes along with a catchy tune.

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