Scintillating Copper Pheasant

Howdy Whitney,

The pic you used for the post is an Ijima Copper pheasant. So are you looking for them or Scintillating?
Ed Benhardt of Twin Spruce Bird Farms in Washington has Soemmering Coppers.
Kevin Hendricks has both Ijima and Soemmering Copper pheasants and I think he also has Scintillating.
PM me and I can give you their contact info.
Hello Sean you seem to be very knowledgeable regarding who breeds what, so I am really hoping you can point me in the right direction. I've already contacted Ed Bernhart I believe , and spoke with a very nice man in California C.Menaa, who just sold a Satyr Hen. I am desperately searching for a female Satyr Hen, adult is fine . Thank you. Enjoy the day

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