Scorpion sting - sick hen UPDATE - doing better with benadryl

Heading to bed now. She is still with us, breathing is loud but moving lots of air. She is sprawled out on her belly with her legs sticking out behind her, and when I came over she briefly picked her head up and opened her eyes.

I hope she makes it, she is the mediator of the flock and keeps the bully Aus from overtaking the meek EEs and CQ. Don't know what would happen without her!

Just for informational purposes, the lethal dose of benadryl is 500mg/kg in rats. I was shocked! Of course, that is in rats so I don't know what would stand for chickens (or humans for that matter). But I bought children's benadryl which is 12.5mg/5ml and gave her 1ml, so 2.5mg total.
I hope she pulls through. I'm in not too far from you and we have tons of the bark scorpions here around our house too. I've heard lots of people say that they won't bother chickens...maybe they won't if the chickens eat them fast enough without getting stung. Perhaps, just like with people, some chickens are more bothered by a scorpion sting than others. Hmm...
Just wanted to let you know that I'm sending good thoughts your way. How is she? I'm from the Northeast, so we don't have a lot of the snakes, scorpions, etc. that are in the South and Southwest, but I still pay attention, in case I ever decide to move.

I hope it turns out well.
I was curious how she was doing also.
I have wondered what would happen if one of mine get ahold of the wrong end of a scorpion. Our cat got stung pretty bad a few weeks ago. We did the benadryl and bute treatment. He did ok, but thought he wasn't going to make it til we got benadryl in him.

I hope you post good news soon! I missed where she was stung...was it on her head?

Well she is still hanging on. Her breathing seems fairly normal, but now she is struggling to get her legs under herself. She seems almost paralyzed, her legs are pushed out behind her and she can't move them.

I tried to pick her up and set her down with her feet under her but she tips forward and the legs sprawl out behind.
Not sure what to do about that, I guess time will tell. I know people who have been stung by bark scorpions and they say regardless of where they are stung, it causes a lot of numbness and tingling in the extremities for a day or two. I also read that extreme reactions can cause paralysis (it wasn't mentioned if this is temporary).

Shelly - she was stung near the face on the right side. Not sure if it was a waddle or maybe near the ear. The first thing she did after it got her was to shake her head vigorously and scratch at her face, this went on until the difficulty breathing started.
Glad to know she is still with us.
I'd keep giving her the Benadryl and Aspirin, at least another dose. Can you see where it is swollen?? You would think it would be.

Keep her quiet, maybe some Rescue Remedy or Gatorade and some scrambled eggs or yogurt.

Thanks for the update! I'll be checking in to check on her!


I am especially curious about the use of Benadryl in chickens. It worked? What was the dose and the size of the chicken? Has anyone else ever used it? I have a pretty long list of remedies for various ailments and this one is a new one for the book.

I am so glad she is still alive. Hopefully the paralysis is just temporary. Keep us posted, and know that we're all rootin' for her.
Well I took her out of the cage and have had her on my lap on a towel for the last hour and a half. It offers more traction and she is having more luck keeping her legs underneath herself. I am going to keep her on a towel or blanket until she is stable.

She has no interest in food or water, altho I did dropper feed her about a teaspoon of water. She is dozing in and out, but seems pretty alert when she is awake.

I don't have any rescue remedy, but I have some pedialyte. Also no yogurt, but I have kefir (basically a cultured milk drink, like runny yogurt that is thin enough to drink from a cup) and since she is taking from a dropper that might work better anyway.

I actually never gave her any asprin last night as she seemed to pass out, perhaps from the benadryl?

And as far as the benadryl goes... yep, I guess a new treatment. She was so close to suffocating I had to do something, I couldn't watch her die because she couldn't breathe without at least trying something. I gave her 2.5mg (one ml) children's liquid. Her breathing got better within 15 minutes and then she passed out - from the venom, exhaustion/shock or the benadryl? - about 45 minutes later.

I'm not sure on her weight, under 2kg. The recommended dose is 5mg/kg and I guess I gave her about half that.

Thanks everyone... I'll keep you posted.
Well good news, she has managed to stand up a few times, and just a few minutes ago took a step forward before she laid back down. She is quite alert, and showing a little interest in food - altho she only takes a small bit.


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