Scott-Anderson Homestead, in the making

Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
So while I was showing the bidder around the property I ran into two big problems, the first was my apple trees that I want to save have holes with eggs in them. He said it was beetles, so now I have to find a natural way to save my trees. I don't want to lose those apples at all! The second thing I ran into was my foot ran into a big A** rusty, dirty nail!! Now I can barelly walk, and have an appointment in 10 minutes! Wish me luck on both!!
Ouch! Hope your foot will be ok, maybe time for a tetanus shot?
Ouch! Hope your foot will be ok, maybe time for a tetanus shot?

My boss actuly had me update all my vaccinations on the tenth, so I was very lucky in that department. Good thing I work at the clinic, huh LOL He put me on heavy duty anti-biotics, because it looks like early infection. If it gets worse he suggests I go to the ER. Hazards of the land... Dirty land!!
Well we have people on the property, as I am typing this, and they are supposed to be removing the large mobile home! I have my fingers crossed. Once the trailer is removed, the Tribe will take bids to clean it!! PLEASE let it be removed today!!! Please, please, please!!
I hope they get it off the property quickly so the rest of the work can proceed!
I hope they get it off the property quickly so the rest of the work can proceed!

Thank you. They have to drive it past the place we are renting, and so far nothing. My husband is at church and I have the sick baby and 9 year old at home with me. I would be up there making sure its being done right, but it is pouring down rain (which we in Northern Cali need right now). I'll try to take pics when it goes by. If it goes by.
I'm glad you're getting some rain, you guys out west really need it.

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