Scovie Divers lol


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 24, 2011
Ontario Canada
I walk my ducks down to the pond everyday and its become quite entertaining to watch this act. They will be sitting on the surface and dive under while flapping their wings, they look like a missle haha. Just wondering if this is a natural occurance because its quite funny to watch.
My week old scovy ducklings do the exact same thing in their kiddie pool! It is very entertaining and funny
They always stick together and move around as a group. They circle the edge of the pond (decent size irrigation pond) once, then they bathe and dive then they come out and walk back towards the pen eating bugs and what not along the way. They are all different ages aswell 3 are about 14 weeks, 5 are about 10 weeks and the other 5 are about 7weeks so they follow the bigger ones around. If i need to get them to go where i want i just follow behind slowly.

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