Scratch and Peck Feed

I would just give volume wise the same amount you were before and if they eat it all and seem hungry in the evening feed a little more. Typically they don't eat as much fermented as non fermented because it's more readily digestible but I don't have a lot of experience with fermenting scratch and peck feeds.
So I have 10 in my flock. I used a 1 pound Folgers coffee can as their feed scoop. Right now they free range and get food scraps at night. I keep a hopper with about 4 pounds of feed in it in case they need extra. It lasts days so i know they are getting fed elsewhere. Question is, this winter. In NW Arkansas winters can be mild off and on. And I plan to let them roam at their leisure. But I know they won't get as much food free ranging. I'm not sure how much food to give them when they run out of free range. I plan to ferment for them. I read corn is good winter food to ferment bc they need the carbs. I want them to have enough but also don't want to spend too much or waste anything. I want them to be fat for winter but not unhealthy fat. If I was going to use a 1 pound coffee can to dip out their fermented food, how much should I give them per day?

Ferment their regular food. If your coffee can is metal then don't use it with fermented food. Use plastic or some food grade container. I have 12 chickens and I use a 3 gallon bucket I got for free at the grocery store bakery.
I formant scratch and pack feed without any issues.
What temps do you keep your fermented feed at?

Ferment their regular food. If your coffee can is metal then don't use it with fermented food. Use plastic or some food grade container. I have 12 chickens and I use a 3 gallon bucket I got for free at the grocery store bakery.
I formant scratch and pack feed without any issues.
What temps do you keep your fermented feed at?

I haven't measured it's temperature, it is usually warmer than the room temperature however. I just scooped out the last of it so I'll start another batch tonight and let you know. There's enough left in the bottom of the bucket that it should ferment by morning.
I meant just the ambient temp of the room you ferment in. Sorry I should have specifiedz

I haven't measured it's temperature, it is usually warmer than the room temperature however. I just scooped out the last of it so I'll start another batch tonight and let you know. There's enough left in the bottom of the bucket that it should ferment by morning.
Once I get my garage more organized I'm going to move the bucket out there. 3 gallon bucket isn't that large though so it's not a big deal have it in the house. The garage is insulated so even in the winter it should stay warm enough. If not I'll just bring it back in the house. No big deal.
See I had the one I fermented in or insulated garage and I think it was just warm enough to be too hot for it. Might have to go pick up a smaller bucket and do smaller amounts of feed. Or find a few large glass jars and do a days worth at a time.

Once I get my garage more organized I'm going to move the bucket out there. 3 gallon bucket isn't that large though so it's not a big deal have it in the house. The garage is insulated so even in the winter it should stay warm enough. If not I'll just bring it back in the house. No big deal.
See I had the one I fermented in or insulated garage and I think it was just warm enough to be too hot for it. Might have to go pick up a smaller bucket and do smaller amounts of feed. Or find a few large glass jars and do a days worth at a time.
in the summer my garage might get too hot. But in the winter I think it will be fine. How many birds do you have? My 3 gallon bucket works great for my 12 birds. 5 gallon seemed too big, if I filled it up by the time I got to the end it was pretty darn strong. Supposedly that doesn't really matter but I decided the 3 gallon would work better.
I've got 15 chickens and 4 ducks. Two chickens are bantams tho so they basically count as one so 18 birds. I did a 5 gal prob 1/2 full. After three days it smelt strong and the next morning it was foul. Overnight it got a bacterial bloom covering the entire top. It was enough to make someone with a weak stomach vomit.

in the summer my garage might get too hot. But in the winter I think it will be fine. How many birds do you have? My 3 gallon bucket works great for my 12 birds. 5 gallon seemed too big, if I filled it up by the time I got to the end it was pretty darn strong. Supposedly that doesn't really matter but I decided the 3 gallon would work better.

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