I have a 5 month old black astralorp who is failing to thrive. She is in a mixed flock with 5 other hens her age, a silkie roo, and 7 other 1 year old hens. She is extremely lethargic, has a pale comb, and is skrawny compared to the rest. She eats and drinks just fine. However, she does not eat treats or peck at the ground.
The other hens have recently started to pick on her bad. Her poor head is almost completely featherless. I've tried to separate her from the others, but she throws a fit! As mean as the other hens are to her, she just wants to be by them. I have started to put electrolytes in the waterers hoping it will help. Any idea what could be wrong with her?
I have a 5 month old black astralorp who is failing to thrive. She is in a mixed flock with 5 other hens her age, a silkie roo, and 7 other 1 year old hens. She is extremely lethargic, has a pale comb, and is skrawny compared to the rest. She eats and drinks just fine. However, she does not eat treats or peck at the ground.
The other hens have recently started to pick on her bad. Her poor head is almost completely featherless. I've tried to separate her from the others, but she throws a fit! As mean as the other hens are to her, she just wants to be by them. I have started to put electrolytes in the waterers hoping it will help. Any idea what could be wrong with her?