Screaming chicken in nesting box

Hey there everyone!
So I have this buff Orpington who used to be my friendliest girl. And she still is, don't get me wrong, but lately when she's in the nesting box she hates it when I'm around and whenever I move the curtain she freaks out, gets all puffy, and then makes a horrible screaming sound!!! At first it kinda scared me but she wasn't egg bound because she passed the egg just fine. Then she did it again the next day. I thought she might be going broody but it's been a week and the only time she's in the box is when she lays her egg. Anyone have any input?
She's probably just being protective of her egg...had the same issue with my hen then i realized it was just cuz she didn't like being bothered.
Nice question! i would've asked the same thing if i hadnt had that dumb moment of realization LOL :)
xx Chickening101
Then I have a question along the same lines. I heard a scream/shriek from the coop and 2 outside. Do they echo alarms cries much? This is the first time I heard the echo.
Hello everyone! I have only a chicken, she is 3 years old, and she is a little noisy lately. She is not laying eggs, the last 2 ones layed about 2 months ago. In the morning is screaming I give her treats and change water and clean her place and give her clean sand. After a while, sometimes, all the sand is all around, her water is dirty or less and she is screaming again. When she hearing my voice (not seeing me) she starts screaming. Is anything wrong with her? All the summer was quiet, now in Lima, Peru is autumn, and at night a little bit colder and she's eating corn and wheat everyday and not always but often vegetables like carrots, lettuce, cucumber. Thanks for your suggestions

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