Sealing Coop


13 Years
May 10, 2011
I have been searching through the threads, but am still not clear as to what kind of paint/sealant is safe for the coop (plywood)? Do you need to give it some time to air out before introducing the chickens?
As long as you have a good bond that won't delaminate (chickens will likely peck and eat it) I don't think it really matters. Even bare plywood is fine as long as the roof keeps things dry and they don't have a muddy run they'll be tracking indoor (or a waterer).

My old coop had no paint and the OSB plywood was totally fine -- deep bedding to keep it dry was the key. Current coop I just used white latex enamel paint. Some people use roofing paint, such as Blackjack, I don't find that necessary in my dry climate

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