Seattle Washington area advice wanted


Crossing the Road
14 Years
Feb 21, 2010
Sparland IL
My son and his family now live in WA . Looking for fall crop advise . They have asked me for advice but I am not familiar with the climate . I think they have mild fall and winter temps .
They can plant cool weather crops in a cold frame. The day lengths are getting shorter, so they won't get much growth between now and winter. But the stuff will take off as the days get longer, and they will be eating salads while others are just beginning to check if their gardens are dry enough to prepare the soil for planting. Claytonia and Mache may provide them with salad material between now and November. Also, radish, spinach... any of the cold weather crops that mature in 30-40 days. A lot of the oriental greens are perfect for fall planting.
My son and his family now live in WA . Looking for fall crop advise . They have asked me for advice but I am not familiar with the climate . I think they have mild fall and winter temps .

Washington Weather.... Winter temps can range from 40 degrees to -20 depending where you live.... From 130 inches rain to 7 inches of rain... 85 deg to 120 deg in the summer..... Washington is a VERY diverse state...

How about providing more info.... where in the state.... the name of the town and the elevation so some useful information can be provided...
Washington Weather.... Winter temps can range from 40 degrees to -20 depending where you live.... From 130 inches rain to 7 inches of rain... 85 deg to 120 deg in the summer..... Washington is a VERY diverse state...

How about providing more info.... where in the state.... the name of the town and the elevation so some useful information can be provided...

Well Granite Falls area is where the rural property is .

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