Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

They are a few months old when they start getting some curly big bird feathers. If they are curly, that is.

Renie- if your geese can't get to grit naturally, you can put a rubber bowl outside with play sand in it. I do that, and even when it fills up with rain, the geese can scoop up sand from the bottom. I actually like to leave water in it because it keeps the cats from pooping in it!

As far as sexing them goes- behavior wise- is Garth "guarding" the others? Some of my boys do this, but not all.
LOL I guess I am safe from the cat poop.. don't have one.... They must be finding something because I found a stone in the water bucket today :O I sure didn't put it in there. Will the oystershell hurt them???

Yes Garth guards them. they run off and he comes a hissing until he realizes it is me.

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