Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

I am soo glad I could brighten ya'll day.. lol Everybody needs to laugh ") I am sure Rosie is a girl... she layed down in a submissive pose for Garth... but he wasn't interested... yikes.... I am hoping Dimples is a girl... but... I have my doubts at this point. WE shall see.. ") I am not going back in their yard cuz before it was all over. that boy goosed my arm.
Hello, I read that some are thinking that DH used dewlaps in is breeding to create the colored (buff, grey) Sebastopol Geese. I just want to say that when I went up there a few months ago I talked to him for about 1 1/2 hours and we talked about Sebastopol geese and dewlap geese too, and when I asked him about breeding the two together to get the colors for the Sebastopols he told me that he neve did cross cross breed between the two breeds, he said that the orignal Sebastopols that came here (US) from Europe had gray flecking on them and that was not desired so they would breed away from that, so the orignal Sebastopols had color in them and with time he did manage to breed for that flecking to get the some of the colors that are now found in Sebastopols. So I dont mean to start an argument with anyone but I just wanted to "clear the air" that Dave Holderread did NOT use Dewlap Toulouse geese in his breeding for colord Sebastopol geese. I do incourage everyone to personaly contact DH and get the full story from him as I dont remember everything that was said in our conversation.

Shellie, she is beautiful!! I want one like that! Lucy does not seem to have the little bit of a knob that I was talking about. I will have to get some pics of it tomorrow.

here is Lucy grey sebbie goose

Mcgraw grey gander

Mouse (2012 grey goose) out of Mcgraw above and Peaches (lilac goose)

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Well, Gurty is a boy!! We vent sexed him and he is definitely a he! We also vent sexed a seb that is 2 this year and I always thought was a boy! He didn't lay eggs last year. Vent sexing looked like a female. Could it still be a boy? He sticks his neck out and makes the wooo, wooo, wooo sound that I recognize as a male sound. He has mounted one of our girls once twice, but usually shows no interest in breeding. He is laid back. He was with his parents last year and acted like a nuetered male. Will that behavior continue once it is taught?
Okay, I couldn't wait and went ahead and snapped some pics of them while in bed. Of course, they didn't appreciate me blinding them with the flash. It looks more like a ramp than a knob.

Zach ..... thats very cool information you shared. I dont think anyone would think you were trying to start anything. I had been told a number of times he did use the dewlaps, and well some of the adult stock from him have small dewlaps so it all fit together.

Daze.....congrats on the eggs and vent sexing today/tonight too

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