Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!


my gander does the same thing, when i brought the babies outside to Munch on grass, he hissed at me then stood right there and kept the chickens and ducks away from the baby pen.
i am happy and sad, the first three Hatchl
ings went to their new Home today at three days old
Is it the bigger gosling top right front? If so that is the one that looks Blue to me.
No- the big one I think is solid blue or grey. Its the one on the bottom left. Of the 3 smaller ones, I know the 2 are grey saddleback.

Also- see that pattern on them? I know its not supposed to be indicative, but the sb parents of the grey ones have too much grey on their necks. The sb father of the light one has near perfect pattern- just on his head- like the goslings does.
ruru it its hard to let them go lol i would keep them all if i could but i have more incubating, the last 5 i set are all developing and i have 4 due this week and she its still laying,!:D
Henry is 10 days old. He only weighs 9.7 oz. I have been scrambling duck eggs every morning and he eats a "soup" (his food mixed with water). We love him so much! Here he is taking a nap on me. Here is a video of him today. Please don't laugh at the voice I use to talk to him. I know its silly. Lol
Henry is 10 days old. He only weighs 9.7 oz. I have been scrambling duck eggs every morning and he eats a "soup" (his food mixed with water).
We love him so much! Here he is taking a nap on me.

Here is a video of him today. Please don't laugh at the voice I use to talk to him. I know its silly. Lol
So cute!!

I have a group of 5 right now and they all start peeping when they here my voice. I love my little babies. Hubby keeps asking when they are going to their new homes.LOL I cant even talk when I go to bed or they talk for at least a half hour wanting mom. Here is a pic of them all trying to fit in the water bowl. Pour little number 5 is asking mom to help her out.
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