Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

All of our fully curly can not fly. HOWEVER the smoothes CAN fly and clear 3' easily, and 4' if they climb/fly over

well, I guess I forgot some people keep the smooths
Oh gosh, could you imagine if they COULD get over a 6ft fence? We'd all be in big trouble

My Toulouse will fly straight up about 3 feet when they get excited. But even if they could fly over fences, they would not be likely to leave their flock behind. If I do get an escapee, the spend most of the time trying to get back in.
No wonder my two smoothes from Celtic can fly! te he
I have a question. I have 2 seb eggs that look like they are at about 3 weeks. Like they have 1 more week to go, but they are due now. Does this mean they quit early? I have never seen this before in my eggs.
Can you see movement?
No, not really. I see veins, and a big blob in the middle, with light areas at either end like it isn't filling the egg yet. I will go look for movement again. What do you all use for candling? I am currently using a makita flashlight with a piece of cardboard on top to make the circle.
Are you certain of your incubation dates?

There are more incubation details on the hatching guide in this section. If you can see active blood vessels then the baby is alive. Blood vessels collapse and disintegrate shortly after an embryo dies.
Are you certain of your incubation dates?

There are more incubation details on the hatching guide in this section. If you can see active blood vessels then the baby is alive. Blood vessels collapse and disintegrate shortly after an embryo dies.
I don't know if the blood vessels were active or not. But one was like this for last weeks hatch, it looked like maybe I mixed up the hatch date, so I left it in for another week and it looks the same. I couldn't see movement in either egg and then floated them in warm water and didn't get any movement. So I tossed them. I had a great hatch, 6/8, so I am not complaining, just trying to problem solve, if I can. These were with the mama for a little while, so maybe they quit before I got them in the bator?

Pete, what do you use to candle eggs with?

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