Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

At least one looks really underweight. Or just has an odd shaped breast. Even in ideal conditions though, most curly sebs in breeding situations look like absolute crud right now.

It does look like 2 buff and maybe a cream- Shellie would know better. And the rest white. Can't sex them by pics. If you get them rehabbed it looks like you'll have a really pretty flock.
I know 3 are white , I think 2 are buffs, he said one was called a lavender ice, I know the pictures aren't very good, I take lousy pictures !! LOL !! But can you guys tell me what color they are and if you can tell the sex on any of them.
Aw! Poor things. You'll have them doing well in no time, I am sure.
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Do you have to be careful when rehabbing starved geese? I know with some animals (like horses), you have to go about it carefully so you don't shock their system...

FYI ... I have a few Seb eggs for sale on the 24 hr Auction thread. I was going to put them in my incubator, but my sis-in-law has a baby due next month and decided I don't want goslings hatching around the time I'll be leaving to see them.
Aw! Poor things. You'll have them doing well in no time, I am sure.
You know me !! I'll have them eating out of my hands. !! LOL !! Jason is coming over help treat wounds. Some of the poor things can hardly walk. I've been sitting out there talking to them. They are starting to talk back. Good thing I can't understand ,they are probly telling me to go away !!
All of those sebbies you got from one person??? I am glad you rescued them from this person whoever it is. Looks like they have all been beating each other up terrible... I wish you luck with them and they respond well to TLC which looks like they did not get!!!!
You know me !! I'll have them eating out of my hands. !! LOL !! Jason is coming over help treat wounds. Some of the poor things can hardly walk. I've been sitting out there talking to them. They are starting to talk back. Good thing I can't understand ,they are probly telling me to go away !!
Now if you feel like they might be too much for you.....

I could come get half of them and bring them home with me.

Ok here is the update, Jason (state NPIP agent, 4-H leader, and Been raising and show geese and ducks all his life.)

The big white is a gander, one buff is a hen, he quite sexing after that, he said they were in such poor shape he didn't want to stress them out any more. But he said None of the others were ACTING like a gander. He's coming back in a couple of weeks, when they are better to sex the rest for me.

He was not happy, he said quite a few times those people should be arrested !! He thinks a few might have rickets. Most aren't in Poor body weight though some aren't what they should be. He also said he coulldn't believe how filthy they are and this is after I took the pictures of them, they still have it caked on their skin. He also thinks they were on concrete. But the bloody wounds are already starting to heal up. I'm sure the good baths really helped that !!

So hopfully in a month or so, I"ll be posting pictures of them, looking alot different.

the little white girl who kept hissing at me( she is in the 2nd worse shape and the scaredest) , is now taking or listening to me, I guess she figured if she couldn't scare me, she might as well try to be friendly.!!! LOL !!

they also won't leave this one area, he said that is because they were penned up. I still haven't seen them grazing. But hopefully they will start checking out the yard in a few days. BUT my ducks are mad, I put a fence up so the sebbies couldn't get out of the yard for a few days, but the ducks aren't likeing it.
Ok here is the update, Jason (state NPIP agent, 4-H leader, and Been raising and show geese and ducks all his life.)

The big white is a gander, one buff is a hen, he quite sexing after that, he said they were in such poor shape he didn't want to stress them out any more. But he said None of the others were ACTING like a gander. He's coming back in a couple of weeks, when they are better to sex the rest for me.

He was not happy, he said quite a few times those people should be arrested !! He thinks a few might have rickets. Most aren't in Poor body weight though some aren't what they should be. He also said he coulldn't believe how filthy they are and this is after I took the pictures of them, they still have it caked on their skin. He also thinks they were on concrete. But the bloody wounds are already starting to heal up. I'm sure the good baths really helped that !!

So hopfully in a month or so, I"ll be posting pictures of them, looking alot different.

the little white girl who kept hissing at me( she is in the 2nd worse shape and the scaredest) , is now taking or listening to me, I guess she figured if she couldn't scare me, she might as well try to be friendly.!!! LOL !!

they also won't leave this one area, he said that is because they were penned up. I still haven't seen them grazing. But hopefully they will start checking out the yard in a few days. BUT my ducks are mad, I put a fence up so the sebbies couldn't get out of the yard for a few days, but the ducks aren't likeing it.
uummm WOW..... good for you for taking them in. The one does appear to maybe be a lavender. Do you use fermented feed? It would be super good for them as it would easiest on the system and biggest bang for the buck when feeding them.
All of those sebbies you got from one person??? I am glad you rescued them from this person whoever it is. Looks like they have all been beating each other up terrible... I wish you luck with them and they respond well to TLC which looks like they did not get!!!!
Yes, he said he had 18, but neighbors dogs started killing them, which is why he said he penned these up. But you would of thought they could of at least given them some water to bath in , , and let them out when they were home????

Then turned around and told me how much money he had in them and his chickens , which came from Greenfire farms Makes me wonder if it isn't just someone with to much money, that just wants to act like a big wig, shooting off names, but doesn't want to take care of them once he has them. I could be wrong, but looking at these poor guys ??

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