Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

I am a brand new sebbie owner and my kids and i are so happy. A few days ago we hatched 9 mystery goslings. I bought the eggs at a local poultry auction I have two sebbie eggs which are due in about a week and a half and one i put in about a week ago that i purchased off of ebay. There were four but it is the only one growing so far. Today my kids and I bought a full grown female who is so much sweeter than we could have ever imagined. Her mate was recently killed by a coyote and i think it caused a lot of stress for her too. Her feathers are dirty and not very pretty right now, but her personality is so beautiful. She rode in the car very calmly sitting on my kids laps. They are teenagers and one who is 20 arguing over who got to hold her next. When we got her home she was nervous of course, but when she saw the goslings she instantly calmed down and turned into their mama and followed them everywhere. Since the goslings are mostly attached to my son and i it confused her a little when they would follow us instead of her. My fiancee and i went to the store and when we came home my son was napping in the yard and the goslings were huddled around his neck sleeping. Our new sebbie was cuddled up next to him. His sisters took that as a golden opportunity to take pictures. At one point the new mama was grooming his head. Are they all that sweet? My son is 20 and suffers with ADHD and depression and these geese have made him so happy. They are like therapy geese. I just bought 2 more eggs from Daze i believe and my son is even more excited. I never would have thought they could help someone like that!
post pics! your story brought tears to my eyes. here are a couple of my babies

Congrats!  I want some blues too!
Do you know how to tell gray and blue apart when goslings?
I have a lot of blue chickens, and its the same color, is there a way to tell grey apart? The person I bought the egg from had blue geese, so I figured it was.

This is "Ms. Goosey", my first Sebby! We had other much loved geese years ago, Emdens "Petunia and Charles" She is very sweet and friendly. It is so nice to have a goose in the family again.
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Ok, I finally got my kids to put their pictures on my computer. And thank you Daze for the eggs! And I'm glad to hear that she will be molting soon. She seems so much happier already.


Here is the gosling with the hunch back that I have. It eats and drinks and seems normal now except for its back. I don't know what to do with it. It is growing slower than the other three too. :(

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