Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

I always worry about using heat lamps as well. I make sure it is very sturdy, like hung on a hook, tied in a knot, then duck taped! Then I try to do something underneath them, like a metal oil pan, or plastic rubbermaid bin, so if it does break or shatter, it would be less likely to start on fire. Good luck!
I was thinking of putting a pie pan under it by attaching it with some wire but didn't know if they would get as much of the heat. I do have some chicken wire attached so if the bulb just comes out like some do it wouldn't fall on the silkies and the wood shavings and injure any of my babies or start a fire. It won't actually fall out if the glue gets too warm because the wire is up against the bulb. So it's not going anywhere. It's just bursting I'm worried about. This bulb is new but I bought it winter before last. I'll just pray everything is okay tonight and tomorrow I'll put the pie pan under it.

Also the heat lamp is secure with 4 lengths of wire. It's not going anywhere unless somebody cuts it down.
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I use a clamp on lamp but I secure it so it can't fall.

God bless you all in Minnesota. I just can't comprehend cold like that. I guess if I had the money and lived there, my coop and stable would have an airtight stove.
The neighbor called and said that everyone looks ok, but all the heated water dishes are frozen solid. She said she added a bit of water to the top of their pool for them to drink.

Oh what to do... I wasn't expecting the heated water dishes to freeze. It's currently -26 degrees (not including wind chill).

They're saying that frostbite will occur on exposed skin with in 5 minutes of being outside...
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How long can they go without water?

My neighbor said she could only go once a day to knock out ice and refill. The fresh water will probably re-freeze with-in 30 minutes...

I wish I was back home...
How long can they go without water?

My neighbor said she could only go once a day to knock out ice and refill. The fresh water will probably re-freeze with-in 30 minutes...

I wish I was back home...
Is there any way she can go again before bed? That way they have had 2 time to drink. Also, if they have no water, then food should be picked up too. Good luck! I wish I were closer and could help. Is there a neighbor kid you can get to go the second time? You could pay them a couple bucks or batch of cookies?
Cochins, what a nice neighbour you have!
As long as your geese can get all the water they want in that 30 minutes, I´m sure they´ll survive ok. A good idea not to leave dry food around, though because they need the water to wash it down. Sounds like your neighbour is keeping a good eye one them for you. How very nice, coming out in such cold weather to look after someone else´s geese....lovely person.

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