Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

It has to be specially processed for your purpose silkiesensation. The other posted put it in the water, so I would presume it is not the same product you are using.
It has to be specially processed for your purpose silkiesensation.  The other posted put it in the water, so I would presume it is not the same product you are using.

I am assuming they are using it in a similar manner to boost energy in a sick or weak bird. I do the same with brown sugar in water for sick/weak birds. Brown sugar is a mix of granulated sugar & molasses.
Yes this is why. Its a protein based sugar and when I have it I put it in for situations like this instead of brown sugar because A I want the extra sugars and proteins just like giving someone an IV and B the laxative helps to flush things out which in a case like this where I want the body to work out possible infection is part of the hope.

Now this wound isn't on the bottom of the foot and doesn't look like bumble foot at all. The only 'wound' is an old scab on a small cut she had just behind the claw. It is white and swollen and hot/hard behind that area now. With so little tissue there to be infected I worry about the bone. I want to get on this fast now that I found it.

I have decided soaking isn't going to be a good option for a few reasons. Firstly I don't want to encourage bacteria introduction by sitting her in it. I did use the hot water with witch hazel and salt initially but where the wound isn't open at this time I think not sitting her foot in there is probably better. I will use a heating pad with damp cloth over it. Cleaner and easier for her and for me for sure. [no splashing] Less bacteria to float around as well. From what I can gather from my vet and medical professional friends there are a few things I could use on her topically or internally but everyone says take the scab off and see if I can push out the 'cottage cheese.' I am not a wuss but I will admit in the e-format to some trepidation here. I hate that part of caring that requires me to hurt more in the name of helping. I would rather not give her PCN. I had hoped to hear more about the fish treatment but in the interim I will probably buy the hibiclens and try that topically.

Dear Vicki, I tried to be in that Seb forum but I had the darndest time getting in it so often I gave up. I bothered you about a few times and you'd help but I got to feeling like a real PIA. The info you are suggesting sharing would be nice, in a pm even is fine. I will try to create a new profile for the Seb forum and see if it won't work better for me in the long run.
I got my gander good today!!! I was herding them into the shed and he turned around and came towards me. At the moment he was planning his pinch, I grabbed him and hugged the stuffing out of him, and I really enjoyed having this big bird in my arms. He can come at me anytime! A good excuse to get a snuggle, LOL
I got my gander good today!!! I was herding them into the shed and he turned around and came towards me. At the moment he was planning his pinch, I grabbed him and hugged the stuffing out of him, and I really enjoyed having this big bird in my arms. He can come at me anytime! A good excuse to get a snuggle, LOL

I got my gander good today!!! I was herding them into the shed and he turned around and came towards me. At the moment he was planning his pinch, I grabbed him and hugged the stuffing out of him, and I really enjoyed having this big bird in my arms. He can come at me anytime! A good excuse to get a snuggle, LOL
I got my gander good today!!! I was herding them into the shed and he turned around and came towards me. At the moment he was planning his pinch, I grabbed him and hugged the stuffing out of him, and I really enjoyed having this big bird in my arms. He can come at me anytime! A good excuse to get a snuggle, LOL
Hi all, I'm in Australia and totally new to geese and sebastapols, but I have now collected 5, 3 geese and 2 ganders. 2 totally smooth geese, 1 curly breasted goose, 2 curly breasted ganders. All last seasons hatch, so the oldest is approx 5 months. A few things I've noticed about the sebastapols here (particularly the CB's) 1. They seem very small in size, 2. The feathers are very narrow, but very long, ie well and truly dragging on the ground (very different to what I am seeing in other countries, where the feathers seem to be much wider, but nowhere near as long), 3. There are an awful lot with angel wing.

Can anyone here give me advice to try and improve these things? For example, I've decided that curly to curly is not a good idea ( will this help in reducing occurrence of angel wing?), to improve feather quality, is it worth trying to put the curly ganders over the totally smooth geese to try and widen the feathers? Would it be a total sin to throw a good quality embden into the mix to try and improve size and overall type, or this this totally unacceptable?

Any answers to these questions, or other general advice would be much appreciated. Apologies for my ignorance, but as I said, I'm completely new to sebs!

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