Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Well now I can be part of this group as today I got my first Sebbie goose shes about 5 weeks old found some for $40 each on a craigslist add and the lady's geese were weird and hatched them in january. she still has some for sale 2 females and 2 males. I sexed them for her since I asked if I could get a female. She is so cute and is very friendly and not scared since the lady kept them indoors for their first few weeks and then introduced them to the parents after. Can't wait to see her feathers finish growing and get curly eheh always wanted a seb all post pictures soon i just hope my other geese accept her when she is bigger keeping her in a separate quarters with a heat lamp incase it gets to cold.
I am thinking of getting some sebbies, but I have a close neighbor and I am worried about the noise. How loud are sebbies compared to a duck/drake? Are ganders or females louder/quieter?
I am thinking of getting some sebbies, but I have a close neighbor and I am worried about the noise. How loud are sebbies compared to a duck/drake? Are ganders or females louder/quieter?
I have no idea really about sebbies but i have embden and touluse and roman tufted they arent that noisy only now they have been cause of the breeding season and my gander likes to honk really loud but all i can say dont get africans they are very loud i had some as i got a mix from the hatchry i sold them but i did like them i just new my dad would hate it if they were loud.
Okay one more question. Compared to a large barking dog, how loud is the gander? As loud as a dog? Louder/quieter?
Okay one more question. Compared to a large barking dog, how loud is the gander? As loud as a dog? Louder/quieter?
I am probably going to say louder can really get their voices high but maybe if you only had females they might be very quite
If I could only get females I definitly would, but I am going to order them from metzer and they only sell them as pairs or straight run. I only want two so i was thinking of getting a pair. Or should i take the risk of getting two ganders and do straight run? If I do straight run I have a chance at least of getting two females, but last time I ordered straight run the ducks were all boys. I am starting to think straight run means getting rid of unwanted males
If I could only get females I definitly would, but I am going to order them from metzer and they only sell them as pairs or straight run. I only want two so i was thinking of getting a pair. Or should i take the risk of getting two ganders and do straight run? If I do straight run I have a chance at least of getting two females, but last time I ordered straight run the ducks were all boys. I am starting to think straight run means getting rid of unwanted males
I would recommend to get either a pair or 2 females. I would not recommend 2 males. During breeding season, they will try to mate each other and possibly fight. They could hurt each other. In general st run should give you one of each, but it is taking a chance... Sometimes you just have to get what you can and then grow them out and see what you have. Then try to sell/buy more of what you need the next season. Good luck to you!

As for the noise, that is the ganders. They are most noisy during breeding season (mid-jan through may-jun). They will yell at you from getting too close to their girls etc. During non-breeding season, they can yell when you come to feed and let them out. I think they are talking and happy to see you. Mine usually all yell for a few minutes while they run out of their coop, but generally after that they are not that noisy, unless strangers come to the fence. Then they will yell like crazy!
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