Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

I am only planning on getting two so if I ended up with a gander and a goose will the gander fight my drakes?
I appreciate you all answering all my questions. Sorry if I am asking too many. I just want to be completely sure that all my birds will stay safe. Thanks again!
I have a question is someone can answer it for me.. I have a pair of Sebbies that I got last year. I believe they are a male female pair. Sounds are different, size is different only one sits on the nest, only the one is laying. She started laying about 3 weeks ago every 2-3 days.. I put here first 4 eggs in the incubator to see if they were fertile and so far they do not look like they are.. We decided to let her set on the next ones she lays. She sets on them at night and part of the morning and then stays off the rest of the day. I don't understand why she is not setting them more or why they may not be fertile if I have a pair. He is very protective of her and won't let me near her right now cause of breeding season. How do I help them or help fix the problem? I am not sure how to go from here. I hope someone can help.


Yeah I put the first in incubator Sunday the 9th and took it out today cause it showed no signs of fertility. No I have not seen them breed, that is the weird part. They are just barely a year old.. I am wondering if I need to DNA test them for sex.

Sexing sabs should be done after hatching. Males are brighter yellow. I have one male and put what I thought was a female last year and they get along great. However, they are actually both males. Its breeding season now and I have recently discovered this as I am not getting eggs. So I split them up and gave one a female to see what happens.
Question: I have a yearling pair that I was not expecting to lay this year. However, she is laying an egg a day. Is that common for Sebastopol's? Another question, everything I've read says to breed a smooth coat with a curly coat this a hard a fast rule?
Sholland, it is recommended not to try and sex goslings after they are a day or so old. Adult birds can be vent sexed at any time.

Yes, yearling birds lay and can lay every day or every other day. I breed curly to curly all the time. Some say that you will not get twisted wing tip on your curlies if you breed smooth to curly, but there is no substantiated evidence to prove it.
Thank you. I am putting two curly coats together this year. I am so happy to find this forum. There isn't much info out there on sabastopols and I love them! I was hoping what I heard was not true. Now, will I get more curly coats with this breeding? I usually get 50%.

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