Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

I decided my geese might start laying if I got them some greens. Found brussel sprouts in my garage that were frozen. I laid a whole stalk full on the snow, and they are munching away. It also keeps them occupied. I think tomorrow I'll cut up a cabbage I bought to make sourkraut for myself, but I think they need it more...
Here I do not want eggs yet because of the super cold weather. Well that has not stopped my crazy sebs from breeding like rabbits! I have taken 26 eggs from them that had frozen! It has warmed up just a little and we finally got the pen mucked out with some warm days. So cleaned out all the nest boxes and put down this horse soak to keep the smell down. It is granular and I just sprinkled it down. Then put pine shavings and last straw. Made sure to clean out the nest boxes and put fresh straw in them. The geese can make the nest their self! Looks like they have been busy since the other day making nest.
Yes, we do have more eggs out there. My ganders are breeding like rabbits... Every time I look out the picture window they are breeding going on.
Now if I wanted eggs I would get none!!!

I have had to throw away 26 or more eggs due to being frozen.
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Here I do not want eggs yet because of the super cold weather. Well that has not stopped my crazy sebs from breeding like rabbits! I have taken 26 eggs from them that had frozen! It has warmed up just a little and we finally got the pen mucked out with some warm days. So cleaned out all the nest boxes and put down this horse soak to keep the smell down. It is granular and I just sprinkled it down. Then put pine shavings and last straw. Made sure to clean out the nest boxes and put fresh straw in them. The geese can make the nest their self! Looks like they have been busy since the other day making nest.
Yes, we do have more eggs out there. My ganders are breeding like rabbits... Every time I look out the picture window they are breeding going on.
Now if I wanted eggs I would get none!!!

I have had to throw away 26 or more eggs due to being frozen.

The breeder of eggs that I'm waiting on has had the same issue. Her geese are breeding just fine, and they are laying just fine, but the eggs are freezing! She wants to hatch out the first few to make sure they are actually fertile (which may be a moot point now), and then give me the next 5 or 6 of them. But she's not trusting the frozen ones at all, and the geese don't seem to get that! Hopefully they'll actually lay a little longer this year to make up for it though.

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