Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

The Dollar General near me has their larger pools like that out in front of the store already. Then again, this is Georgia. We were almost at 80 degrees yesterday...

But DG is charging $21 for them. I'll either wait until they get the small ones for $7, or buy one from Wal-mart!
I paid 15 for the biggest kiddy pool I could find and it was so flimsy I had to go buy another one to make it sturdy. so the side wouldn't collapse. They just don't make things like they use to.
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I paid 15 for the biggest kiddy pool i could found and it was so flimsy i had to go buy another one to make it strudy. so the side wouldn't collapse. They just don't make things like they use to.

... and still charge more and more each year
Question for everyone. I have a pair of sebbies that laid 9 eggs but have stopped laying. She hasn't laid an egg in six days. Is this normal? My other pair lays daily.
They are all different. Mine took a couple of days break when the temps dropped into the mid 20's again.

But they went right back to laying nicely. I'm up to my ears in eggs. Good thing I finally upgraded to a cabinet!
Hi guys

So excited I have my first hatched gosling

Long story short my goose started laying eggs for the first time and the end of January. I collected 1 egg every other day until she laid 4 total and then I put them in the incubator. After that my goose decided not to lay any more eggs and sat tight on an empty nest for weeks. I finally gave in and gave her back the 2 eggs that were growing in the incubator a few days before they were due to hatch. 1 hatched under her and the other never pipped :(

So now we have the cutest little family in the goose house

I'm wondering since she started so early and only laid a total of 4 eggs will she lay again this Spring or just raise one baby and that's it?? Anyone have any idea what she might do? This is my first time with geese so I'm not sure what to expect.

Here is the happy family

Also from what I have read it seems the males hatch lighter and the females darker so I think the gosling is a boy...anyone else think so?

One more question- I'm thinking about buying a few more goslings, will she accept them and raise them with this one?

Thanks for any advice you can give a newbie

Very cute family! I don't think she will lay any more eggs if you let her keep the baby. If you took him away and brooded him, then she may start to lay again. I would also advise, if you leave the baby with them, to handle it every day. I let mine raise babies and the babies were terrified of people!
It's really hard to tell in the lighting of your pics, but it almost looks female to me. The males are really bright yellow with a silvery look to them. The girls have a gray back and cap on the head. I usually compare goslings to each other to tell. It is hard with one.
As for accepting other goslings, I am not sure about that. If they are very close in age and you watch them closely, it may work. Depends on the parents. Good luck!
Thanks for your advice

I was thinking the same thing that she probably won't lay again until next year. I will leave her with the gosling because she is being such a great mom and just wait until next year for more eggs. I will be sure to cuddle the cutie pie every day!

Thanks for your advice

I was thinking the same thing that she probably won't lay again until next year. I will leave her with the gosling because she is being such a great mom and just wait until next year for more eggs. I will be sure to cuddle the cutie pie every day!


One way you can sometimes stop her from going broody so soon, is to collect the eggs every day until YOU are ready for her to sit on them. She'll keep noticing no eggs in the nest, and it's likely to keep her "laying" hormones going until she feels like she has a good-sized clutch ready.

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