Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

The gander mean business when they say stay away from my goose with eggs or goose with goslings! And they show it too by giving you a nice bite on the thigh!
LOL! His goose is not setting or have babies, but he is particularly protective. In the past he has reached for my boots or stuck his neck out at me, and I don't know how I didn't see it coming, but he got me when I wasn't expecting it! :) I guess I didn't have enough coffee that morning to keep up with him.
LOL! His goose is not setting or have babies, but he is particularly protective. In the past he has reached for my boots or stuck his neck out at me, and I don't know how I didn't see it coming, but he got me when I wasn't expecting it! :) I guess I didn't have enough coffee that morning to keep up with him.
It is breeding season and that is how they act and protect their mates. So do not have to have eggs or goslings to be nasty boys!
Are the dark ones girls or boys? My gander has been being a cookie monster for a month now and we still have no eggs! It was in the 60's today so they've had their pool for a few day now. I noticed a dark brown spot on the heel of Rag's foot. Is that what they call Bumble foot and what should I do about that?
Are the dark ones girls or boys? My gander has been being a cookie monster for a month now and we still have no eggs! It was in the 60's today so they've had their pool for a few day now. I noticed a dark brown spot on the heel of Rag's foot. Is that what they call Bumble foot and what should I do about that?
If both parents are white the dark grey on the back and on the cap of the head are females. If one of the parents are colored that messes it up because if grey saddlebacks they too have real dark grey backs and caps on the head...
I have been setting Sebbie eggs in the incubator and finally have a fertile one! YEA!!! So tell me about incubating conditions. Is it the sae as chicken eggs in terms of humidity and temp? How many days incubation?
I have been setting Sebbie eggs in the incubator and finally have a fertile one! YEA!!! So tell me about incubating conditions. Is it the sae as chicken eggs in terms of humidity and temp? How many days incubation?


My Sebbie egg hatched around 30 days so yours may be about the same. I would recommend you read the incubation guide posted by Pete55

Geese eggs are much harder than chicken eggs to artificially incubate but I think people have good results using his methods.

Good luck!
Two things:
I set eggs, seven of them, but I think they are 'mutts' which are really Pom Seb crosses.

Opinions: I have one goose who isn't being mated and who isn't hanging with the flock or anything else. I don't know what is going on with her and can't figure it out for the life of me.
Keep an eye on her because her going off to her own could mean she is getting egg bound. See if you can get her and palpate her stomach area between the legs and see if you can feel an egg (gentley)!
I am thrilled to say we have our very first gosling hatched this morning of 2014. I was at dialysis and came home afterwards and went in to check how far along the gosling was. Not due until tomorrow. But what did I find is this little darling and what a surprise it is a Buff Sebastopol my favorite!!!
So here is my darling! Look at this golden beauty...


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