Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

We don't live on a busy road but its a hill , and people don't slow down on it, They follow me but when they see the barn doors , they go right pass up the hill and the road is right there, so I have to make a run at it to ward them off from going , course they run just as much as I do
I have a mAle that will b a year in April. He very much acts like a male. I need a female if someone knows where I can purchase one in alabama
I have a mAle that will b a year in April. He very much acts like a male. I need a female if someone knows where I can purchase one in alabama

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I think ive mentioned this before. We bought a gosling gander, two days later he died. I really hope we can get another in the spring. We bought him fro this guy at the Southern ohio poultry swap meet. Said he would have more in the spring when we saw him again in the fall. He had some extra geese, but we wanted a baby.
Turns out I do have 2 Sebastopol geese So happy will be interesting to see wat the babies will run out like

If you want to breed Sebastopols, you might want to look for some purebreds. You be much happier with the offspring you'll get. The goose you posted here doesn't look like a Seb except for a small amount of curly feathers...
If you want to breed Sebastopols, you might want to look for some purebreds.  You be much happier with the offspring you'll get.  The goose you posted here doesn't look like a Seb except for a small amount of curly feathers...

Yeah it is a pilgrim dad Sebastopol mum but one of the sisters of this one has the pilgrim feathers but is White so it is confusing but should breed this year but have three more babies one look like it is going to be grey the other 2 not sure but can't wait to see will keep updated

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