Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

I think I have come to the right forum, I got my First Sebastopol Goose, She's a 3rd generate if that means anything?? LOL ANY way, I'm glad to have saved her, when I got her, she smelt something AWEFUL, we wrapped her up in a blanket and home we went. I immediately gave her a bath, SHE did NOT like it AT ALL. First question: Do they not like water??

So After giving not one, not two but three baths, she is has some NOT a lot of nasty stuff still on her. Looks like she was either in a coop with poop up passed her chest or stuck in some mud. I never got to see her living quarters because when I picked her up she was in a dog crate. Perhaps they didn't want me to see her living quarters. ANYWAY, I have her now, She pretty Awesome this morning now that she has dried most of her feathers.

After getting her cleaned as best as I could I did my examination: First thing I noticed is I could feel her chest bone, Yes, she is very skinny, but the one thing that concerns me the most is her feet.
there's TONS of Black cuts and burns all over the bottom of her feet and smaller cuts up her legs, One of the cuts on her feet are pretty deep because I can see it's red and irritated, She also favors it. Both of her feet are covered with cuts and burns but she favors the one over the other. I have her in the house, in my room right now because she was SHIVERING like crazy yesterday. She shivered from the time I picked her up all the way until this morning. I'm wondering if she's got a slight fever. She has stopped the shivering now .

Last thing I noticed is her poop, her poop was all over the puppy pads and it was 100% BLACK, I know this can't be a good sign. I'm watching her now and in the past Two hours her poop HAS changed and it looks like normal poop.

Could the black poop be the excess food or garabe exiting out of her body, basically cleaning out her system and now that I'm getting her fed properly it's on the right track?

So there's my rescue story, if you have any advise or knowledge as to what I can do with her please let me know. i was going to put some Neosporin on her feet but don't see the point since it will just wipe off with one step, plus the puppy pads will probably stick to her feet. LOL.

Forgot to mention one more thing, When I got her her breathing did NOT sound normal, almost seemed like she had Mud Stuck up in her nostrils, so i treated her with some Vet RX, seemed to have helped clear her out some, her beak and tongue was covered with dried up mud. I'm giving her vitamin water right now.

She also have small cuts on her beak and it seems to be pealing. I think the pealing is normal but just want confirmation..
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I think I have come to the right forum, I got my First Sebastopol Goose, She's a 3rd generate if that means anything?? LOL ANY way, I'm glad to have saved her, when I got her, she smelt something AWEFUL, we wrapped her up in a blanket and home we went. I immediately gave her a bath, SHE did NOT like it AT ALL. First question: Do they not like water??

So After giving not one, not two but three baths, she is has some NOT a lot of nasty stuff still on her. Looks like she was either in a coop with poop up passed her chest or stuck in some mud. I never got to see her living quarters because when I picked her up she was in a dog crate. Perhaps they didn't want me to see her living quarters. ANYWAY, I have her now, She pretty Awesome this morning now that she has dried most of her feathers.

After getting her cleaned as best as I could I did my examination: First thing I noticed is I could feel her chest bone, Yes, she is very skinny, but the one thing that concerns me the most is her feet.
there's TONS of Black cuts and burns all over the bottom of her feet and smaller cuts up her legs, One of the cuts on her feet are pretty deep because I can see it's red and irritated, She also favors it. Both of her feet are covered with cuts and burns but she favors the one over the other. I have her in the house, in my room right now because she was SHIVERING like crazy yesterday. She shivered from the time I picked her up all the way until this morning. I'm wondering if she's got a slight fever. She has stopped the shivering now .

Last thing I noticed is her poop, her poop was all over the puppy pads and it was 100% BLACK, I know this can't be a good sign. I'm watching her now and in the past Two hours her poop HAS changed and it looks like normal poop.

Could the black poop be the excess food or garabe exiting out of her body, basically cleaning out her system and now that I'm getting her fed properly it's on the right track?

So there's my rescue story, if you have any advise or knowledge as to what I can do with her please let me know. i was going to put some Neosporin on her feet but don't see the point since it will just wipe off with one step, plus the puppy pads will probably stick to her feet. LOL.

Forgot to mention one more thing, When I got her her breathing did NOT sound normal, almost seemed like she had Mud Stuck up in her nostrils, so i treated her with some Vet RX, seemed to have helped clear her out some, her beak and tongue was covered with dried up mud. I'm giving her vitamin water right now.

She also have small cuts on her beak and it seems to be pealing. I think the pealing is normal but just want confirmation..
Hi @Lacrystol Bless your heart for saving that poor goose. Do you think they may have abused her hearing about the cuts and burns on her? It may take time and many washings to get her clean but that will happen.

You have any idea how old she is? She may need to be wormed if she was living in horrid conditions and sounds like she was. Poor thing. Good feed should put weight on her and that maybe one reason she is shivering she is run down so the vits and good food will really help. But geese also thrive on greens so and I'm sure where you are there isn't much green grass to eat so maybe get her some romaine lettuce and chop up for her. They love greens. Peeling can be normal as long as it doesn't look like fungal or something else is going on too. Just sounds like to me she was not cared for at all. Geese love to keep themselves clean what you saw was not normal. I'd keep her in till she is feeling better and has gained some weight.

You might try soaking her legs and feet in warm Epsom salt water [keeping her from drinking it] that may help heal up her feet and legs also spray Veterycin on her cuts and burns or some other kind of antibiotic spray or ointment something that won't stick to the pee pads. Nothing with pain meds in it.
Hi @Lacrystol Bless your heart for saving that poor goose. Do you think they may have abused her hearing about the cuts and burns on her? It may take time and many washings to get her clean but that will happen.

You have any idea how old she is? She may need to be wormed if she was living in horrid conditions and sounds like she was. Poor thing. Good feed should put weight on her and that maybe one reason she is shivering she is run down so the vits and good food will really help. But geese also thrive on greens so and I'm sure where you are there isn't much green grass to eat so maybe get her some romaine lettuce and chop up for her. They love greens. Peeling can be normal as long as it doesn't look like fungal or something else is going on too. Just sounds like to me she was not cared for at all. Geese love to keep themselves clean what you saw was not normal. I'd keep her in till she is feeling better and has gained some weight.

You might try soaking her legs and feet in warm Epsom salt water [keeping her from drinking it] that may help heal up her feet and legs also spray Veterycin on her cuts and burns or some other kind of antibiotic spray or ointment something that won't stick to the pee pads. Nothing with pain meds in it.
HAY GIRL HOW ARE YOU? I don't think she was abused, I'm thinking just poor conditions and no knowledge of how to care for them. But I can't talk to much about that since this is my first one, I'm no professional at knowing what's best for them. LOL

She is 2 years old, I sent her outside and get this, after the Three baths, the hair drying, the keeping her in the house and watching over her, SHE HEADS RIGHT TO THE POOL. OH yeh, she took a cleaning dive, this tells me she didn't have a place to swim to keep clean and that's why she was soooooo filthy....

Speaking of Grass, hahahaha, So I have this plastic container by the pool so that my call ducks can climb into the pool, I lifted this thing up and guess what, A nice patch of the greenish grass was under it. LOL It was like the grass was growing during all the snow but the snow didn't affect it because is was closed in, I guess it was the grass incubator. LOL

Right now, she's outside with my pilgrim goose, they are hanging out, she's following my pilgrim goose like a little puppy. My pilgrim goose is like "Ok, here's how things work, first we go over here, then we go over here, but we do not go into the woods, so stay away from there, then we go to the front but we don't hang out there." it's soo funny to watch the two because they are covering every inch of the yard. LOL Now she has NOT met my other pilgrim geese and that's because she's inside the coop. She went broody.. I have no male yet, I was trying to get one but i'm not having any luck yet..

She's walking around just find but I can see when "they" stop to take a small break, she lifts that one leg up. I think the pool with the cold water may have really helped or felt really good on her feet.

Now question, I know she's a goose and my other two geese can handle this weather but what about her? The water doesn't seem to bubble off of her like my other two but she doesn't have smooth feathers either. is this something I need to worry about???

Here's my girl, if you look closer you can see the marks on her beak...
I didn't even know you had geese. That is so cool. She does look thin. I am so happy you got her. As for whether she is as water proof I really don't know we need some Sebbie owners on here about that and it could be she just needs to do some serious preening to get the oils spread over her feathers. Nice your Pilgrim has allowed her to be with her, sometimes that doesn't happen. Great you have some grass for them too.Even if it was by accident lol I see her bill I wonder if maybe she cut it up on fencing or maybe the crate? Any way she is in good hands now with you We'll need pics in about a month from now to see the difference.

Maybe @RURU Will see this tag and respond she has Sebbies.
I didn't even know you had geese. That is so cool.  She does look  thin. I am so happy you got her. As for whether she is as water proof I really don't know we need some Sebbie owners on here about that and it could be she just needs to do some serious preening to get the oils spread over her feathers. Nice your Pilgrim has allowed her to be with her, sometimes that doesn't happen. Great you have some grass for them too.Even if it was by accident lol  I see her bill I wonder if maybe she cut it up on fencing or maybe the crate? Any way she is in good hands now with you We'll need pics in about a month from now to see the difference.

Maybe @RURU
   Will see this tag and respond she has Sebbies.

Yes she is really thin, she ate pretty good today and last night, I tried to get her in the house but she seems to have made the pilgrim her body guard. LOL. They both did that soft talking to me but when I went to grab her, the pilgrim stood in front of her blocking her..I didn't notice any shaking so I told them it was ok for them to spend the night outside. But she did have icicles hanging from her feathers. Grrr. I did catch her before I walking into the coop she was close to the pilgrim that is sitting on eggs which is good because I do have a heating lamp going so maybe shell go back to where she is and can thaw those icicles out and do some more prepping.
This poor Grey Sebastopol looks like she has been starved. You need to give a good waterfowl feed or Allflock feed until up to proper weight is reached. If female should weigh 10 young female old female 12 pounds. Get some weight on this goose then worm for parasites.
This poor Grey Sebastopol looks like she has been starved. You need to give a good waterfowl feed or Allflock feed until up to proper weight is reached. If female should weigh 10 young female old female 12 pounds. Get some weight on this goose then worm for parasites.


Thank you @RURU for stopping by.
This girl needs a kiddy pool to play in and keep her feather's clean and groom herself.
I would put in her water to drink a capful of Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother in it to help straighten out her system again You do not need to do this but several times and stop.
Lots of grass to gaze on. If no grass get some romaine lettuce and feed that to her as well as the waterfowl or allflock feed. But grass is the main source of food for Geese. She can have peas. watermelon, cabbage greens, kale if she even like it. Cut in half grapes. Any fruit except Tropical, NO Tropical fruit. I have given celery to mine and to my surprise they ate it. No spinach too much iron in it. They can have mixed green lettuce also .Even a little corn but not too much just as a treat. Try different things and she will let you know what she likes as well.
I have a few pictures I would like to share on here.
This is Samantha my very first Sebastopol at 10 years old in this picture.

She was Best Medium Goose Champion and RV Champion of the show. 2nd Best Waterfowl in Show! At 10 years old!!!!!

All the Sebastopol's are in my breeding program. I have a couple more I will put pictures of when I up load them.

Below Samantha left front, Dillan right front and Back is Vanessa

Celtic Oaks Farm Jumping Jack Flash of RURU Solid Grey

RURU'S Safria Solid Grey JJ and Toffee daughter

Celtic Oaks Farm Butternut of RURU Solid Buff female

Celtic Oaks Toffee of RURU Solid Buff Female

Eastwinds Golden Nugget of RURU Buff Saddleback Female

RURU'S Cinnaswril Buff Saddlback Female

Left Blue Splash Gander RURU'S Toasted Marshmellow Gander
Right Grey Saddleback Eastwinds Harlequin of RURU Gander

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