Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

I just looked at these pictures and didn't recall posting them!
Yours look just like some of the pics I took of our Sebbie goslings! I'm going to miss this baby stage! Great pics!
pips&peeps :

Orange is the standard. Some have pink because obviously there has been some cross breeding involved.

Oh okay....I just went out & looked...the female I got from you has orange...the other female has orange, too. The male has some pinkish tinge but not bright pink....good to know! Maybe one day I'll show them but I'd at least like to works towards that as a goal.
Yes, you can!

Balbinka has a diaper (albeit one that is too small, we're waiting for our bigger ones!) and wears it while she's inside!
pips&peeps :

Orange is the standard. Some have pink because obviously there has been some cross breeding involved.

I was told by a long time Seb breeder that some of the old foundation Sebastopols had pink beaks.​
Hey Vickey all the goslings that are hatching at the moment are out of Saffron......

The oldest we have named Peter, Peter Flesh Eater. He nibbles a little too hard.
Balbinks. Great photos, I was looking at mine the other day and noticed the saggy bit between their legs, so glad yours has it too, I thought maybe I was feeding them to much and it was excess fat hanging there. They are growing so much and their personalities are coming out. Leap is the scaredy cat, s/he doesnt like to be picked up and will run but once caught s/he will sit there all day. S/he is also the bully, and will grab and poor runner that he thinks is going to eat his bit of lettuce and will take chunks out of me given the chance and screetches at everything. Inka is the quiet one, stays away from everyone and will cuddle with the Runners, will be picked up and will sit quietly and just watch the world go by. Juno is the goer, non stop always wondering what you are doing and has alot to say about everything. Moon is my buddy and cuddler. Always wanting to be picked up and will left a foot and scratch at my legs to be picked up. When picked up out of the brooder will sit all day and cuddle but Leap does not like it and will try to grab her or me. I hope I dont have a visious goose on my hands with Leap.

All fathered by Saffron. The bigger one in the far back right has a different mommy. (ETA that one is a bit darker in real life)

Three girls and one boy?


Time to clean the box too.....
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pips&peeps :


All fathered by Saffron. The bigger one in the far back right has a different mommy. (ETA that one is a bit darker in real life)

Three girls and one boy?

Time to clean the box too.....

I wasn't sure what to use for our goslings when they hatched...our big brooders were being used by chicks...I ended up using a tub similar to yours and used old dinner placemats as the flooring. Worked well. I wasn't sure if they would wash well (to be reused for animals) so I just pitched them. Do you wash your blankets out to reuse?​

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