Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Lisa, the right way baby will be the easy one. No need to help. The wrong way baby will be a Friday/Saturday hands on hatch to get it free. I can see the bill nicely though, has some color to it from what I can see.

Marty is off at work right now, will hear from her again this afternoon. She hatched eggs from Amy in TN.
Hey everyone, I blew my changes of having a few Sebastopols :( My friend gave me 3 Sebbie eggs for free but I didn't incubate them right and none of them made it :(
I have 3 thermometers in there in addition to the one built into my suro that i recalibrated myself. I don't think it was low temps because all the others where fine it was just my own. Once they hatch(or i hatch them. lol) they do wonderfully, everyone is healthy and active. i have some from a friend that are due to hatch and a couple of my own so we'll see. I tried dry incubating but the weight loss was off, i've been doing good at 40%(if i can get my incubator to stay that low, never over 50-55% and 99.5 and then 75% at lockdown. I'm also wondering if it has something to do with the position they are in when i do my final turn before locking down? maybe i turn them onto the wrong side?
Here is a pic of the walking talking little seb. I'm giving Celtic baby drink mix to the remaining weak baby. I don't see any change yet, but I continue to give a few drops every 30 minutes.

Hopefully it will be alive and active tomarrow, and I'll get a pic of it. Its the most pail one I've hatched, but not yellow, just kinda dusty grey.

I have 3 thermometers in there in addition to the one built into my suro that i recalibrated myself. I don't think it was low temps because all the others where fine it was just my own. Once they hatch(or i hatch them. lol) they do wonderfully, everyone is healthy and active. i have some from a friend that are due to hatch and a couple of my own so we'll see. I tried dry incubating but the weight loss was off, i've been doing good at 40%(if i can get my incubator to stay that low, never over 50-55% and 99.5 and then 75% at lockdown. I'm also wondering if it has something to do with the position they are in when i do my final turn before locking down? maybe i turn them onto the wrong side?

The only thing I can compare is that a muscovy duck hatched eggs from my flock as well as artificial incubation in Wisonsin so I know it has to be something I have done or not done. Oh well, if it keeps up, i guess i'll get some of my friend's scovies!

Good luck everybody!
Thank you. I am not the best photographer and she was not happy with me but here is my buff girl that I snapped just now. She is not in form at all since it is that time of year and her boy REALLY loves her. She is mated with one of my white boys so I am hoping for some good babies.

Love her. Keeping my fingers crossed for those eggs in my bator.
Beautiful little lady!! Poor girl....she reminds me of my Henri...not a curly feather left on her back, but GREAT fertility!!!
Now if I can just get the dang things to hatch!!

Best of luck to you!
Thanks Ann, my fingers are crossed for you. I just added this pic to a blog that I am working on this week for all my birds if you want to see a few more pics. The site is

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