Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Can a sebastopol gosling have a brown/black beek my breeders are a grey gander, white gander, and a white goose and a lavender goose. Would they produce a gosling with a dark beak?

Greys I know will hatch with a dark beak and fade as the grow.

Silverfox...that link is for Pete, he is the one who wrote the hatching guide in the sticky at the top of the goose area. You may try the link from his profile too.
Greys I know will hatch with a dark beak and fade as the grow.
Silverfox...that link is for Pete, he is the one who wrote the hatching guide in the sticky at the top of the goose area. You may try the link from his profile too.

cheers celtic

oh and be prepaired to answer a few duck questions in the next few days my eggs should arrive tmoz

Greys I know will hatch with a dark beak and fade as the grow.
Ok thanks!!! I had two gosling hatch under mom last night!, both of them where dark grey/black with a mix of yellow feathers to, but sadly this morning one was on the coop floor dead and one was under mom still, I am really anixous to get home from school and check on them and see how the one is doing and see if any more hatched thier where about 6-8 more eggs

Do you know what color the dark gosling will be they are a mix of black/grey and yellow?
Ok i know i asked this question before but never really got a good answer. I was VERY lucky to have a neighbor who has some white elite or whatever they are called geese from Holderreads (before they sold out) who gave me quite a few eggs! These are from the first batch to hatch, i have 2 more hatching as I speak so we'll see what happens. Anyway out pops this dark one! I talked to him and he said as far as he knows all his birds where supposed to be pure white. He did also say his one goose was paired with an african but was separated for at least 10 days before he started collecting eggs. So i would think there is no way this little one would be a cross but maybe i'm wrong. If not could it be colored and if so any ideas of what color. It's feet are a little darker then the others. Could there have maybe been color way back or is it some freak thing? lol I'm keeping it to see what it grows up to be but i'm kind of impatient and would love the opinion of someone who knows more then me now. lol
You need to take pictures u der white light or in the sun. Yes at 10 days removed it could be a mixed bred goose. Genetics are a funny thing, white Sebastopols white coloring mask color. I would suggest you look at the genetics area on the Sebbie forum to go over dilutes, splash and whites.

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