Sebastopol Goslings


10 Years
May 25, 2009
Lake Placid FLorida
How hard is it to raise goslings..? I wanted to get a few this year and am getting so close to having enough to get 4 of them. But I really dont want to get them then have them die, I recently got a few out of an assortment, I had fresh water, fresh food, and a 100 watt bulb in a nice large enough area for them to go as they pleased to the heat and still lost 2 of them. Whats the best place to order them from? or does anyone know where I might could get some reasonably priced eggs?
Typically they are fairly easy, depending on species (if not an exotic etc..) You may need a hotter bulb for a large space than the 100 watt. Feed a low protein feed, lots and lots of fresh shredded Romane lettuce and fresh water...... I don't know why you lost 2 before??????????
I'm so sorry that you lost 2 Sebbies. They're my favorite of the goose breeds! I know of someone last year that lost 4 of her Sebbie goslings leaving her only one. She has no idea why 4 died and one survived either.

I just set some eggs and I'm hoping for a good hatch. I'm not selling eggs right now because I have customer orders to fill but I may once I fill orders. I do know that there are eggs on ebay and there were some on eggbid as well. There are also breeders on here that will sell goslings.

I don't know if Cottage Rose has any available for the Spring..I think she's taking fall orders but Dorothy from, I believe is selling goslings.

I'm sure there are others on here that are selling goslings as well.

Good luck!

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Thanks, they werent sebbies that died, their from an assortment, my first geese and lost 2, I wanted to get sebbies this year but dont want to put everything ive saved into them and lose them as well
Thanks, they werent sebbies that died, their from an assortment, my first geese and lost 2, I wanted to get sebbies this year but dont want to put everything ive saved into them and lose them as well

May I ask how old they were when they died? and were they fed medicated feed?~gd
They were probly close to a week old, I thought they might have gotten cold to but they were laying right next to the light, and no food isnt medicated, and I use one of those smaller water bottle waterer's w/e you call em. Box is about 3 1/2 X 3 1/2 (just guessing at it) I have the heat lamp on one end and the food and water on the other. I use paper for the bottom with some shredded for foothold.
Perhaps they ate some of the paper? Just a thought...........

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