

11 Years
Oct 10, 2008
Charlotte, MI
Has anyone ordered Sebastopols from Metzer Farms or Purely poultry? I was just wondering if they were decent birds.
Ones I ordered this spring from a different breeder ended up crappy--hard feathers on the wings and one of the whites was not pure white

I have never had sebastopols, but I have heard great things about Dave Holderread Preservation center. Here is the website: They sell show quality birds. I have ordered ducks and Chinese Geese from Metzer Farms. They have great costumer service, and all of the birds arrived healthy and happy. In fact, six months later, I have not lost one bird, and I love their personality. I don't think their birds are show quality though. I have never heard of purely poultry, so
. Well, good luck!
Holderreads is not having Sebastopols for 2011 due to selling all their breeding stock

(Or if anybody has suggestions for other breeders)
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ive had american buff geese before told they were quiet and nice... WRONG!! they were very noisy and mean was very dissapointed and planning on getting sebastopols next year
Wow that is strange. I have had Americans for about 7 years and they are wonderful. I also have sebastopols and they equal in temperment. Love both breeds.
The Sebastopols from Metzer's would be pet quality but if you just want pets they would be fine.
Type would probably be quite varied. My first Sebs came from Metzer stock and you can see pics of them on my website's
White Sebastopol page.
have a huge flock and I think from what I've heard they just all run selective breeding.

P.S. my avatar is of my goose from Metzer background.
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American Buffs acquired from a legitimate breeder should always be quiet and docile. A good personality is one of the traits you look for when selecting breeding stock.
doesnt matter no more the buffs are gone know (YAY) they were very mean and LOUD! didnt understand y they were loud and mean was told they were very nice and gentle and quiet

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