sebestapol goose seems to have cold


9 Years
Mar 26, 2015
HI my sebastopol goose seems to have a cold, our weather goes from 60 down to 20 plus degress. We haven't had sebs before and am worried, its adult. what can I do
What are the symptoms? Poultry do not get colds like we do, but it may have a respiratory infection of some kind.
we brought it in the house to keep it out of the wind, they have a building that they stay in. Out here their is no vet that knows anything about treating it, is there anything I could do to treat it . its an adult. thanks

What are the symptoms? Poultry do not get colds like we do, but it may have a respiratory infection of some kind.
What are the symptoms? Poultry do not get colds like we do, but it may have a respiratory infection of some kind.
It seems to just want to lay down and put
head on back, she doesn't seem to want to do anything. when I picked her up she had like a water discharge from her nose.

Usually she is active, but today when I went to feed she didn't seem interested in food, water, we put food water near her
It seems to just want to lay down and put
head on back, she doesn't seem to want to do anything. when I picked her up she had like a water discharge from her nose.

Usually she is active, but today when I went to feed she didn't seem interested in food, water, we put food water near her

Is she drinking at all? What is her usual food? What does her poop look like?

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