sebright thread

I started my first backyard chicken experience with a dozen assorted bantam chicks from the local TSC in the spring. A couple died the first night, one more the next day, and in the end the only hens I had were two golden sebrights. I did a little research online and most everywhere said that sebrights were not good layers. At about 6 months and a week an a half old I got two eggs(middle of september). They then skipped a day, then started alternating days laying. There doesnt seem to be an exact pattern but so far they average laying every other day per hen. I have read some lay 1 egg a week and such. I feed them cracked corn, laying pellets, (hand pulled clover), oyster shell, grit, treats, and they free range in the yard most days(no clover, lol). Im glad I kept them they are so beautiful, they are laying well for me. I read they tolerate confinement but they get anxious and noisy at 630am wanting to be let out to free range. At first they did not want to leave the coop , but now they love to be free ranging and they hide under pines and shrubs at most times as they free range. They always return to the coop when its close to dark and roost on there roost bar. They did lay and egg under thier perch before they got the hint of the nest box. I used a golf ball, worked perfectly. One hen is friendly and one is shy, guess it depends on individuallity vs the breed. I have two buff brahma bantams and two mille fluer de uccles bantams on the way to be ready by spring, curious to see how they will intermingle and such.
I have two golden sebrights from the spring, they started laying in mid september, average consistantly is every other day, seems good to me, I feed them cracked corn, oyster shell, grit, clover, treats millworm etc, mine love to free range after a while, at first they were scared to exit their coop, havnt had any boody problems yet. internet search is good for these but mine lay better than most research states
ik this is for sebright but in early spring I mixed my golden laced sebright with my polish roo and this is what I got.
I have three pullets the first just started laying last week.

ang this is her up next to a silkie for comparison
Thanks, chippysmom327
Here is a better pic of one of the sisters.
Thanks, chippysmom327
Here is a better pic of one of the sisters.
Those are some exquisite birds. I wonder if you could get better lacing with a golden laced polish. The lacing on your mixes seems sparse, but I like how it looks on the bird in picture 2. Nevertheless they look lovely with that proud demeanor to them.

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