sebright thread

Hi, we first got our seabrights when they were 9 weeks old and tiny. They are slow growing, ours are now maybe

twice the size at 1 year old. They are petite bantams, but such characters. Here they are trying to follow my collie into the house!!!!
Hi, we first got our seabrights when they were 9 weeks old and tiny. They are slow growing, ours are now maybe

twice the size at 1 year old. They are petite bantams, but such characters. Here they are trying to follow my collie into the house!!!!
Mine were like large marbles when I got them at a couple of days old. Now they are full grown and about the size or a pigeon.
Thank you for the photos and stories. This is my first bantem breed. I am excited to hatch some as well.
Do any of you see them as having a special need because of their sz?
Are they harder to hatch?
Do yours get to same feed as the rest of your flock?
How often do yours lay?
Do you have any pics of their eggs?
Thank you for the photos and stories. This is my first bantem breed. I am excited to hatch some as well.
Do any of you see them as having a special need because of their sz?
Are they harder to hatch?
Do yours get to same feed as the rest of your flock?
How often do yours lay?
Do you have any pics of their eggs?
I can only answer some of your questions. I have never incubated bantam eggs but, for Sebrights, I have read that they are more difficult to hatch and with a lower hatch rate/survival rate. That said, if you do everything you can correctly, you will improve your chances proportionate to your effort. I feed my Sebrights the same feed that all my birds get, a good Flock Raiser and/or Layer feed. In addition I leave out chick grit and oyster shell free choice. My four hens lay and egg a day so far. I don't know if that is unusual or not.

These are my Bantams...Silver male named Sammy, two Silver females and two Golden females...

And here is an egg comparison... They are Cayuga Duck Egg, regular chicken egg, Sebright Bantam egg.


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