sebright thread

ok i have a question for all of u this is my very first time hatching bantums... i have two hens and a rooster.. one hen i know for a fact is pure silver laced but the other one is still younge and i dont think she has all her color yet she is mostly all white with a few black specks here and there.. the male looks more silver but also looks like he has rosecomb in him.. i put 5 of her eggs in my incubator 24 days ago.. and only 3 hatched so my question is this what silvers are suppose to look like when they hatch? this pic is only when they was a few hours old!
My husband came home with 60 chicks from the feed store when I went back to get extra supplies I picked out 2 bantams from the "assorted" bin. 1 I can't identify (maybe a blue cochin?) and the other is a Silver Sebright. He is the sweetest boy. The rest of the chickens are full size and they tend to pick on him so I will give him treats and chase the others away so he can eat in peace. He was my first crower, out of 4 roosters and follows me from the coop to the porch when I let them out in the morning to get his treat. I made the mistake of picking him up from his treat once and now he is leery of me but still follows me when I am in the yard. He is such a cutie that I am looking to get him some ladies and a separate coop of his own. Couldn't believe people had mean ones cause my guy is so sweet!!!
it doesn't appear to have white on their backs.... they are mostly black with white heads..but their feathers are already starting to come in on their wings they have the silver black and white spects on them... and i have two more bantums hatching as we speak.. along with 2 americaunas :). how long do i keep the eggs in there before i know they wont hatch?
I keep newly hatched chicks in the Bator for 24 hours. Any eggs that have not hatched, I open them up. One day past due date is all I do. Some ppl will go longer.

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