**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

I am up to 8 cornish chicks and I think there's one more egg pipped. Can't believe that from neglected, shipped eggs. Even if I end up with only 8/12 that's phenomenal. They are wicked cute.

I have one turkey (the first one that hatched) that is in love with me. It cries to be picked up, and will just snuggle down and go to sleep in my hands. Hard to get work done, but just about the most awesome thing in the world.

to everyone having bad luck. Focus on the good, no matter how small it is.
My little EE chick is like that. It likes the ducks, but not as much as it likes me.
It looks so pitiful with most of its fluff stuck to its body. It won't let me clean it up, it just want's to be in my hands all times.
Since I've pretty much stopped eating anything with salt in or on it I haven't had many problems with swelling. My hip finally stopped hurting so much, but now it's getting too dark outside to clean. Tomorrow I know I'm going to be in pain since we have to go grocery shopping.
Either I go or I end up with a whole bunch of stuff I can't eat because my dad doesn't listen when I say I can't have a lot of salt. Something he shouldn't be eating anyways.
I stopped eating salt when my 3rd daughter was first born. I look like I must dive head first into a bag of chips an hour, but rarely eat anything like that. LOL You need to have someone go to a health food store and get you a tube of Arnica Gel. The Gel is the best. More concentrated and works faster. I can barely move without that stuff and been using it for decades! It doesn't smell bad and will help with the pain in your hip. Not enough to hide the pain, which is there for a reason to say something is wrong, but enough to be able to move and not hurt. How much longer till the baby gets here??

OK I have a list on the CA thread with lots of eggs for sale. I have an emergency, so I need to sell everything laid this month.

I have right at 4 weeks left. I'm a little scared (the idea of that much pain freaks me out), but I'm ready for it to be over.
I had 5 natural and 1 C-Section. I was in the room for most of my grandkids and nieces and nephews and I vote for an epidural for anyone who says natural. LOL Then again I knew someone who never had a labor pain and pushed once and the baby was out. I take that back. I knew 2 people who did it. No matter what, it's amazing how well you feel when you hold a new baby. And how much pressure you don't have to live with after 9 months. LOL That's what's worse!
Quote: I can't wait till he's here. I'm just tired of being prego!
I don't take being uncomfortable all the time well. I also don't like the fact that I'm missing out on this I normally do with my dad. Like picking blackberries.

I finally figured out why I lost those 3 quail. Though, I think the 3rd was due to the fact that it wasn't growing because of a curled foot. I think I lost the other 2 because it was getting too hot in the box. I fixed that by raising the light above the box during the 'cooler' parts of the day (in the morning and late afternoon) and turning it off in the middle of the day when it's the hotest. They stopped sleeping so much and became much more happy and active.
ThaiDye, no need to beat yourself up.  We all make mistakes sometimes. As long as you are not selling birds or hatching eggs, you shouldn't have to cull any of them unless one gets really sick.  :hugs  I got lucky one time before I knew about biosecurity and the CRDs chooks can carry.  As I learned about them, I realized how lucky I was.  Never bringing home birds again uless they are chicks from the feed store.  You will get through this. :hugs
Remember we are going to "trade" next year if you get eggs! :D

I've gotten attached to most of these birds. There are some juvies & cockerels I could give up, but I cannot sell any now knowing I may get someone else's birds sick. I have plans for building a new coop in the backyard (if I can use the space behind my house). It's not as big as my current space, but should support a couple dozen birds. It will take me a while to build it. Need to redo the horse corrals first, but hopefully should have it in the works in a couple months. In the meantime, if I lose any birds, I'll send it in to find out what this is. Otherwise, I'll just keep these birds & start fresh after they are gone.
I am so bummed... I only had 2 live poults from this hatch and one of them died last night. My son found it this morning. I went to check and the other one was really lethargic. I gave it a drop of vitamin and gave it water with an eye dropper.... What am I doing wrong?? It is in a brooder with 2 Japanese bantams and 4 silkies, and they are all fine. Yesterday, they were both perfectly fine. My daughter gave them a few sprouts last night that she was bringing out to the older chickens, but the others in the brooder had them too and they are fine. I'm so upset!! Maybe I just wasn't meant to raise turkeys.... I have 7 more eggs in the bator... Now I'm scared.
I am so bummed... I only had 2 live poults from this hatch and one of them died last night. My son found it this morning. I went to check and the other one was really lethargic. I gave it a drop of vitamin and gave it water with an eye dropper.... What am I doing wrong?? It is in a brooder with 2 Japanese bantams and 4 silkies, and they are all fine. Yesterday, they were both perfectly fine. My daughter gave them a few sprouts last night that she was bringing out to the older chickens, but the others in the brooder had them too and they are fine. I'm so upset!! Maybe I just wasn't meant to raise turkeys.... I have 7 more eggs in the bator... Now I'm scared.
Poults are pretty fragile until they pass about the 2 week mark. I lose a lot in the 1st 3-4 days especially. Seems like once they really get the food & water figured out they are OK, but until then you just never know.
Since I've pretty much stopped eating anything with salt in or on it I haven't had many problems with swelling. My hip finally stopped hurting so much, but now it's getting too dark outside to clean. Tomorrow I know I'm going to be in pain since we have to go grocery shopping.
Either I go or I end up with a whole bunch of stuff I can't eat because my dad doesn't listen when I say I can't have a lot of salt. Something he shouldn't be eating anyways.
I stopped eating salt when my 3rd daughter was first born. I look like I must dive head first into a bag of chips an hour, but rarely eat anything like that. LOL You need to have someone go to a health food store and get you a tube of Arnica Gel. The Gel is the best. More concentrated and works faster. I can barely move without that stuff and been using it for decades! It doesn't smell bad and will help with the pain in your hip. Not enough to hide the pain, which is there for a reason to say something is wrong, but enough to be able to move and not hurt. How much longer till the baby gets here?? OK I have a list on the CA thread with lots of eggs for sale. I have an emergency, so I need to sell everything laid this month. :hit https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/565482/california-the-whole-state-thread/4120_20#post_11169531
I have right at 4 weeks left. I'm a little scared (the idea of that much pain freaks me out), but I'm ready for it to be over.
Raz, my daughter had her first baby last week. She did great. She was sitting in a rocking chair, and chatting with us. I think it made the labor easier for her. We couldnt even tell she was as far along as she was, next thing we know she is at nine and ready to push, no drugs or epidural, it did end up in a cesection, but that was because Lola head was sideways and her heart rate dropped and was to slow to come back up. I wish you a speedy labor and delivery.
Raz, look around at all the wimpy girls /women that have given birth..... If they can do it, you KNOW you can! It is not as bad as tv makes it out to be and many have very little pain (I never hurt at all.). Try not to dread it, look forward to it. Labor = end of pregnancy and beginning of the greatest love of your life! I've had three, and would do it again if I could.

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