**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

I think ALL BSL's carry the barring gene, isn't that how they make sex-linked birds? A barred with a solid? I have a barred hen and a barred cockeral (with feathered legs) right now that could have only come from my BSL hens and a BCM roo.
From what I have read on the subject, the Barred hen passes on the barring gene on the Z chromosome(essentially like our X chromosome). Females carry ZW chromosomes, opposite from mammals where the male carries the heterozygous sex chromosomes XY. Because the barring gene is on the Z chromosome, a female barred hen can only give the barring gene to her male offspring, so if the rooster is non-barred, none of the female offspring will have the barring trait which is what makes them sex linked.
That brings me to my next question..... SUPERCHEMICALGIRL, you have turkens right? Do you shipp eggs or chicks? My lone NN is currently snuggling away with his teddy bear but I feel terrible that I only have one chick to show out of that batch. I was really hoping to get a few because the hubs wanted them so badly! When I get some time after I get the kiddos to bed I will try and see what I can find locally too.

I have a very mixed flock. I have a large number of turkens in that flock and two roosters - a completely NN showgirl and an EE. I have no idea who mates with who, although all the eggs that have hatched recently have had the NN as the dad.

I don't sell chicks. I will sell you some eggs, but know that I can't guarantee what would hatch (other than cuteness). I was supposed to ship eggs for someone else today, but with my goat issues, I didn't get eggs collected on Thursday and I have 8 broodies in the nesting boxes... so I had to throw all the eggs from yesterday away as I had no idea of knowing what had been incubated 24 hours or not. I guess I'll have to ship them on Monday. If you want to take the risk of not having what you want hatch, then get eggs from me. Otherwise, I'd look elsewhere. There are many people that sell NN eggs.
I know VERY little about chicken genetics, but have been thinking about it alot and have been paying attention to the discussions on BYC, lately. I have also done a bit of research elsewhere on the net. That is to say, I know just enough to be dangerous! Any conclusions I have made are based on that limited knowledge and my limited experience with my own flock.

https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/575250/barred-chicken-breeds/10 especially post #13.

So here is my situation, I have a barred hen, and a barred cockeral. These are the only two barred birds in my flock. I hatched them both, but I am not sure which eggs they came from. I often throw a handful of mixed flock eggs in to fill spots in the bator. I was confused when the hen showed up until Ronott1 reminded me how the BSLs came to be and what the results of their breeding is( https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/693812/the-old-folks-home/2880 post #2886 ) Now, I have to assume that the barred cockeral that is in the growout pen has to be from one of her eggs produced when she was covered by the BCM roo.

I'm not saying it is right or wrong, or that you are right or wrong, or even that I am right or wrong, just trying to figure it all out.
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Someone tell me why my year old and three year old toms have plucked their bellies CLEAN.

Bright blue skin gleaming in the light like the broodiest of hens...wth???

Mine are the same. I thought it happened when they fought.They rake each others bellies and rip out the feathers. It's an unsightly characteristic on an otherwise beautifully conditioned bird. Now if you keep yours by themselves, I guess I'm not sure
Quote: Barred hen x black rooster = barred boys ( white spot) and black girls ( no white spot)

I have a pen of barred hens with a blue amercauna rooster. black sexlink chicks. white spot or no white spot.

Quote: Wolf-- sorry for the terrible loss!! You will want to write up a formal police report on the theft. ANd I"m sure you will be hunting down the names of those kids and find out about their family. SHEEEESSH. That kind of behavior is scary. I would think the police would notify the owner of the birds in this case as a crime was committeed. WEird.
I swear every time I have birds I want to show, they get stolen or killed. My neighbor across the alley saw me in the yard one day after I had been looking for 3 of my best birds. He told me he had caught the 3 kids 2 doors down from him with them in the alley and they had tortured and killed them. He asked if the police had contacted me and I said no. I ended up calling and couldn't even get a report written on them. Little $#%$%$@$#! These kids are still in elemetery school! I've also checked auctions when I've had birds taken. I bought a kid for my grand daughter when we first moved here and one morning my husband and I had gotten her out of the garage and let her out in the yard. We cam in and I mixed her bottle and went right back out and she was gone. We looked and asked all over. It was so heart breaking to watch my then 4 yr old grand daughter stand out in the yard yelling Bella for hours. No bushes or anything and she thought walking the whole empty yard would turn up that goat for her. I hate thieves! And animals killers!
I absolutely detest any torture of animals. Your poor birds. That just makes me sick !!!!!!!!! We have the Nebraska Humane Society here in Omaha, they are great, people do alot of cock fighting here. I am a retired wild bunny rehabber and I was a badger when it came to kids torturing the wild rabbits. Sicko's. ......... I feel for you and understand......the police should be on top of all torturing of any animal...!
Quote: Mary Grace you just reminded of a time in my life when I sorked at a small zoo that rehabbed the local whildlife orphans. I even invested in a book on raising orphan babies, it is now in a box in storage. I loved the baby raccoon that climbed up and down me while I was painting a brown fence, and ended up with paw prints on my shirt. As those babies got older they moved to a larger pen of other raccoons and I could only spy on my charges as they progressed back to being a wild creature. That ws so long ago. I am happy that I can teach MY children to respect all animals, both wild life and domestic, Treat all animals kindly. Respectfully. Even those destined for the dinner plate. I often wonder why these children have gone astray . . . . I con't help but think they need more adult supervision. . . . and a farm to keep them busy!! OR the equivalent.

Nothing like a snake striking back to tell a child to be more careful . . .the snake taught that lesson better than I could. :) ( IT was a big garter--no real harm done to child.) BUt lesson learned. Now that son is well able to catch a tom turkey and keep both himself and the tom from injury.
I lost my bcm hen last night. She had rattles when breathing, but no runny nose like the others have had in the past. I quarantined her because she just didn't look right to me. She would sit kinda hunch backed & spent most of the time in the house or other nesting area. She has been in qt for 3 weeks. I bought her as an adult in Feb & I truly believe that they must have been sick. My friend & I bought a total of 7 birds there & at least 5 have shown signs of illness after we brought them home. Not to mention they were infested with lice (which we have under control now).
My bird is in the refrigerator until Mon when I can ship her to UC Davis. My printer doesn't work so I'll hafta go to Office Depot or somewhere to print the submission form. Do I need to call them first to let them know I'm sending a bird?
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I lost my bcm hen last night. She had rattles when breathing, but no runny nose like the others have had in the past. I quarantined her because she just didn't look right to me. She would sit kinda hunch backed & spent most of the time in the house or other nesting area. She has been in qt for 3 weeks. I bought her as an adult in Feb & I truly believe that they must have been sick. My friend & I bought a total of 7 birds there & at least 5 have shown signs of illness after we brought them home. Not to mention they were infested with lice (which we have under control now).
My bird is in the refrigerator until Mon when I can ship her to UC Davis. My printer doesn't work so I'll hafta go to Office Depot or somewhere to print the submission form. Do I need to call them first to let them know I'm sending a bird?
Sorry Thai !! What antibiotics did you try? ( SOrry can't remember all the posts about her) Ihave dfound that most sinus infections are very treatable; not all mind you, but of the few I have had, the turkeys recovered with Rx. Sorry you lost the marans.

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