**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

Mike's getting peafowl...
...Mike's getting peafowl!
I was just thinking of all the cool pictures you could post! .........but you'd better check them out .... they are noisy....but beautiful!!
I use the same waterer that I use for chickens

same kind of brooder too

turkeys do best on game bird starter or turkey starter if you can find it (both have higher protein than chick starter)... the game bird starter won't hurt chicks for being on it while in the brooder.. but i wouldnt keep them on it long term (causes them to grow faster and long term can put a strain on their liver)

turkeys can be on regular chick starter.. but they won't get all the nutrition they need so they will grow slower.. and many chick starters lack the niacin that turkeys need.. so if you go with chick starter add some niacin to the water to help avoid leg and joint issues in the poults.

I try not to use medicated feed for any of my birds.. but some times that's all that's available. It won't hurt them.. I just prefer to stay away from medicated feeds.
yinepu (what does that mean btw?)
Is it ok if I add your specialty incubating links to my Hatching 101 notes? I think I already have been using the scovy one and for the ancona I hatched NYears! https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/hatching-eggs-101
I picked up my eggs at the post office today, so it's for reals now. Narragannaresstte - someday I will get that right; I have been noticing newscasters saying it lately, don't recall why, but I'm old, okay?

I have a surfeit of Tutor eggs available from my own flock. No fancy, schmancy, Penendenenendencario or Impressiveority or any true pure-blooded eggs laid at the Olmstead Homestead - miscegenation is the methodology here.

That is, of course, unless I can be persuaded to consider eggs from another source. I only have one Cochin in the flock.... Lola could use some younger sisters, perhaps. Hmmm. Wouldn't that be a hoot: fluffy Cochin Tutors to Narranananagansette poults?

I would gladly send you some of my egs, but I was overrun with chicks so I let one go broody and mixed the others for now. Plus I am not yet NPIP.
I need to lose some birds and then let the testing begin. Did I say loose some birds? ok I need to lose ALOT of birds.

anyone tell me how that testing works with chicks since I have a hatching addiction? Can I only get NPIP eggs once I am NPIP?

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Awesome! Thanks SCG!

My duck started laying again a few days ago. I won't have many eggs to set until the 14th, but I wanted to try my hand at ducks again. I wish I had some mallard hens for Mal, but he seems pretty content with Ducky for now. Dad plans to get some ducklings from the feed store and I know they'll be mallards.

Also told dad I was doing another hatch and he doesn't mind (that's a shock) and when I brought up turkeys he told me not to get any unless they were Blue Slate. Funny since he knows I can't afford eggs right now.
Well played dad, well played.
I have a TON of duck eggs if you "need" some.
Just let me know what you have to swap.

I would gladly send you some of my egs, but I was overrun with chicks so I let one go broody and mixed the others for now. Plus I am not yet NPIP.
I need to lose some birds and then let the testing begin. Did I say loose some birds? ok I need to lose ALOT of birds.

anyone tell me how that testing works with chicks since I have a hatching addiction? Can I only get NPIP eggs once I am NPIP?
You can get eggs anywhere but have to isolate & test once they hatch if they are not NPIP. If you have at least pullorum testing done you should be fine. If the parent flock is at least pullorum tested then you are fine. I need to "loose" about 150-200 birds.
But I'm still looking for geese, turkeys, calls, scovies, runners & maybe more silkies.
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Awwww your just burst my bubble! so there is no frizzle turkey? Cant y'all make one

I was thinking about trying to hatch some black frizzle cochin to add to my cochin pen. I like the cochin frizzles.
You have a very real chance of hatching a frizzle or two from those eggs you got from me. 4 boys in the run, the eldest (albeit Beta) is a frizzle.
HOW freakin cool would that be! You know I wont be able to process gorgeous birds right?

I now see why I was reading the "I didn't process last years either" Trend!
DH is gonna KILL ME!!
Found this link on the "get the flock out of here" thread and thought it was interesting

"Pre-Storage Incubation
In both chickens and turkeys, research on incubation of freshly laid eggs prior to any storage has helped to reduce the negative effects of extended storage. Research has shown that incubating turkey eggs for 12 hours, at normal incubation temperatures, prior to storage for 14 days improved the hatchability of these eggs from 64.4% (no pre-storage incubation) to 70.9% (Fasenko, et al., 2001). This positive effect of pre-storage incubation on hatchability of long-term stored eggs has also been demonstrated in broiler breeders (Fasenko, et al. 2001b). Although broiler breeders require less pre-storage incubation time (6 hours), the same stage of embryonic development is reached as that of the turkey embryo from an egg incubated for 12 hours. These research studies indicate that the embryonic stage of development that is best able to withstand storage is the same in both turkeys and chickens.

As there are logistical problems with incubating eggs prior to any storage (no incubators are housed on farm), a similar research project in my lab was conducted on broiler eggs to determine if incubation after on-farm storage but before hatchery storage would provide the same beneficial effects on hatchability of stored eggs. Unfortunately, post-farm, pre-hatchery storage incubation was not as effective as incubating eggs prior to any storage. This indicates that there is something about a freshly laid egg that responds better to pre-storage incubation treatments."


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