**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

OK have to rant just a little. Have I said how much I LOVE living in Utah today? Pretty place but my goodness we lose power at the drop of a hat. We lost power yesterday evening for a few hours and now I am trying to get my bator back up to temps. I am going to be so mad if I lose this batch of eggs because Utah can't figure out how to keep the power on. When I lived in Maine as a kid we didn't lose power this much and that was back when all power lines were still above ground and many years ago. On top of that we have winds blowing and snow falling. So much for spring.
Ok we know how to make Energy out of Wind,and sun we need to learn how to make it for Rain and Snow LOL .
Get a Huge Sheep skin and wrap that . i know a guy that did that once .. kept the eggs warm for a bit
OK so In this one i have 28 Black Copper Marans, 18 welsummers From Zanna Beautiful Eggs i was Lucky to pick up

Mail just in opened turkey egg box from Mr Palmer and he sent not the 36 i ordered But Extra
so 40 Wishard Bronze turkey eggs and said if i did not get the 7 poults i need he would help out the kids and has 3 more kids for my 4h group .

im just blown away Anyone Know about this line of turkeys ? I do not know turkeys but he did mention i would want some sort of Smart chick they can learn from.

Also Both Egg Sellers I would recommend Highly as the eggs are Lush and the care for them is great no Issues Thanks ALL

PS im gonna send half the turkey eggs to a pro hatcher and some of the WS and BCM that way if all else fails ? I have a heating pad for the trip 3 blocks away
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16 MW eggs arrived safely this morning! (LOVE the freckles.
) Letting them rest up a bit, then popping them in the 'bator. I'm told these guys often hatch a bit early, so I may still be on schedule for Cinco de Mayo.
6+ more turkeys and 12+ tutor eggs due to arrive Thursday.
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A snood huh, sounds like something from Dr. Seuss! I guess what I was really stating was that it was somewhat weird that these guys didn't have one at all. All the day old BBWs had it.

Thank you I will do that.
There are snoods and there are snoods....which do you find most becoming???


16 MW eggs arrived safely this morning! (LOVE the freckles.
) Letting them rest up a bit, then popping them in the 'bator. I'm told these guys often hatch a bit early, so I may still be on schedule for Cinco de Mayo.
6+ more turkeys and 12+ tutor eggs due to arrive Thursday.

The turkey eggs I got are speckeled just like that and I think they are so pretty.
I set 36 eggs by the light of the moon; Cinco de Mayo can't come to soon! In 28 days and with lots of good luck; Hopefully I'll quadruple my flock!
Nice!!!!! Did you really set them by the light of the moon...sounds so romantic :)

Got six hens and handsome roo
That's not enough you know that's true
My husbands so sweet but he would squawk
If he knew of my dream to quadruple my flock

36 six in the bator 25 through the mail
He looks at me and says "What the HAIL!"
"I know" I reply but check these out dear
Lavender Orp and Partridge Chantecler!!!

He loves the birds too
And builds coops that are snug
But he hasn't been bitten
By the BYC bug

So for now that dream is on the DL
But as you all know only time will tell
Hatchers embark on a slippery path
That leads them straight into advanced chicken math
There are snoods and there are snoods....which do you find most becoming???

Oooooooo I pick the second one!

So I just totally cheered myself up. I have 12+ buff/golden laced Brahma eggs heading my way today to add this weekend for tutors. I have light and dark Brahmas already and other than Randy (my light Brahma roo who has decided to be a jerk and is not long for this world - just need a new propane burner) I just love my Brahmas. I have been wanting to get the new laced colors for a while but since they are new they have been somewhat pricey. Found a pretty good deal on the 12 here. Can't wait to set those babies too!
Nice!!!!! Did you really set them by the light of the moon...sounds so romantic :)

Got six hens and handsome roo
That's not enough you know that's true
My husbands so sweet but he would squawk
If he knew of my dream to quadruple my flock

36 six in the bator 25 through the mail
He looks at me and says "What the HAIL!"
"I know" I reply but check these out dear
Lavender Orp and Partridge Chantecler!!!

He loves the birds too
And builds coops that are snug
But he hasn't been bitten
By the BYC bug

So for now that dream is on the DL
But as you all know only time will tell
Hatchers embark on a slippery path
That leads them straight into advanced chicken math
Very Nice!
Quote: Carefully sand off the brown pigment in stripes, end to end, to look like a striped watermelon. Look at Renee's posts, ( CHooksChick) and see if she has instructions listed. I got the info from her originally. I know I have it stored in Word if you need me to find it.

Did you see Renees link?
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Soooo I posted an ad on craigslist to sell some chicks. I got a call from a lady, she said she has 13 chicks she needs to find a home for. She bought them 2 weeks ago and now she is moving. I explained that I did not need any more chicks and that she should place an ad on CL. She did now know how, so I walked her through the CL part. We hung up. 10 minutes later she calls me back. I have been on the phone with her for 10 minutes trying to get her signed in to her Gmail account. At one point she was inputting her gmail information on CL. She is now on the Gmail account and can't find where it says to read her mail.

OK, I just hung up with her. The 2nd call was 42 minutes long, but she got her ad posted.

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