**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

How much did you charge her for Tech support?


However, I will NOT be applying for any Tech support positions in the near future. From what I understand the first question you have to ask is "Do you have a computer in front of you?"
You're so nice...........how's that working for ya'?

Sigh.....some days better than others.
Sounds like my mom, lol. Every time she has to do something online besides read her email or bid on ebay she calls me. I usually have to open up the same website and say "ok, see that green box in the upper right hand corner? click that"

Every time I visit my father-in-law he asks me to help him with his computer. Because I don't blow a gasket on him.

You are exceptionally patient............................I'm not known for my patience............................

Yes, and sometimes it makes me so angry!
TAZ you have WWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY more patience than I do. I wouldn't have lasted that long with my own mother let alone a stranger!
You probably made her day and KUDOS to you for it!!!!

Thank you.
At first I was going to
and then I realized I'm not too far away from being there myself. Technology changes faster than I can keep up with it. So instead I will say
to you for having the patience to work with her and help her.

It is ok, I was laughing at myself the entire time.
That was a very sweet thing to do!

The call I made after hers was to a guy who wanted my male chicks. He kept asking questions like is it better to eat the hen or the roosters, and similar type things. It was a long call too. Not as long, but for someone who hates talking on the phone...long. He ended up saying he wanted the male chicks and 8 pullets.
Do you guys have any idea how long it takes to comb through this thing looking to see who isn't on the front page in the participants list?? If I'd been smart, I'd have set up an entry form on Google Docs.


Anyway, I'm adding folks here in a minute, but that skimming-thon made something very apparent: Arielle and CMfarm don't have avatar pics!! I'm afraid that's unacceptable.

You must do something!!!

Anyway, I'll go update the front page before I head out...big storm moving in and I need to make sure the coops don't blow away, etc. Ah! Kansas!

i love my avatar...

Quote: Ok...2 question for this noob....if I set them pointy side down do I need to rotate them, and if so, how?

You rock them side to side if they are in holders (most people will rock the whole incubator by putting a board under one side and then changing sides). If they are laying flat, most people put an "X" on one side and an "O" on the other and just turn them so that one or the other is facing up.

Oh, and how soon is it possible to see anything when candling?
You must speak to "Miss SCG" to get an answer to that question. She is the candling "Queen"
My favorite is my Dark Brahmas they are so pretty and fun the 2 shown here i am not sure they are even a recognised color.

Broody hen contest is created. If you have any suggestions please let me know.

I'll go back and post contests to the first page, too!


Posting that volume of adorableness is just sadistic and wrong.

Your avatar is just sadistic and wrong. There seems to be a trend. I must be suffering a fermented grape juice insufficiency.

Female hormone fluctuation and overload necessitates this supplementary dietary addition.
Originally Posted by dsqard

tommysgirl you sure you don't want different colors????

These are gorgeous! With SO many chicken breeds it's hard to have just ONE :). These go on the someday list.
ChooksChick, those Emu pictures are adorable! Our neighbor where I grew up has Emu...wonder if they'd let me "borrow" one or two eggs just to hatch. They have a daddy Emu who sits on eggs faithfully every year...he reminds me of Horton the Elephant. He even hatches a couple out sometimes, but sadly they are on a sloped hill with a bit of a creek at the bottom and the babies don't always make it. They are adorable!
ChooksChick, those Emu pictures are adorable! Our neighbor where I grew up has Emu...wonder if they'd let me "borrow" one or two eggs just to hatch. They have a daddy Emu who sits on eggs faithfully every year...he reminds me of Horton the Elephant. He even hatches a couple out sometimes, but sadly they are on a sloped hill with a bit of a creek at the bottom and the babies don't always make it. They are adorable!
Those are yinepu's.

She's taunting me. She knows if she makes it hurt enough I'll find a way to have emu!!!
However, I will NOT be applying for any Tech support positions in the near future. From what I understand the first question you have to ask is "Do you have a computer in front of you?"
You have the patience of a saint! That Craigslist lady doesn't know how lucky she was. Have you ever watched The IT Crowd from the BBC? "Hello, IT, have you tried turning it off and on again?"

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