**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

Anyone know what's going on with this guy?

Durr I agree with Linda (gryeyes) it looks like a scaly mites problem. I haven't had this issue so I am not exactly sure how to treat it. If you search for scaly mites in the Emergencies/Diseases section I know you will get help with how to treat it. The first thing I would do is get him separated from the rest of the flock since it will spread to your other chickens. From what I have read, it is not extrememly hard to treat, it just takes some time. You do want to treat it soon though because he could eventually wind up losing toes if you don't get those thick scales off.

Posting that volume of adorableness is just sadistic and wrong.

Your avatar is just sadistic and wrong. There seems to be a trend. I must be suffering a fermented grape juice insufficiency.

Female hormone fluctuation and overload necessitates this supplementary dietary addition.


ChooksChick, those Emu pictures are adorable! Our neighbor where I grew up has Emu...wonder if they'd let me "borrow" one or two eggs just to hatch. They have a daddy Emu who sits on eggs faithfully every year...he reminds me of Horton the Elephant. He even hatches a couple out sometimes, but sadly they are on a sloped hill with a bit of a creek at the bottom and the babies don't always make it. They are adorable!

thanks.. mine should start laying this fall..
if you do end up with any eggs and need some help.. check the ostrich section of the forum.. or drop me a PM (I also have hatching info in the link in my signature)


lol.. that's Paco. one of my snuggle boys (yes.. they love their hugs)!

Quote: HEy--that's cheating!! "windows are very interesting; at my college they had a huge plug that was threaded to screw into place. NOT the same as candling!!

Yinepu--- will emu do ok in New England weather?????

There is at least one person on the board who lives in Canada and has them.. and I think there's another who lives up your way with emu
Climate isn't as important as good fencing and remembering they are pretty much 5 to 6 foot tall dinosaurs..


Too funny!! Love it!!

Quote: It really works!!


Lol.. I love hatching out emus... when you get to see the egg wiggle when you talk to it.. then finally hear the peeps when they internally pip...that makes it worth every second of waiting!

Okay just wanted to say I blame you all
first I did the new years hatch, then I did a birthday hatch, then an easter hatch, now I have a cinco de mayo hatch, and a mother's day hatch. Plus about 4 broody hatches. Well at lock up tonight I counted all my chicks. 112
(includes guineas, quail, ducks, turkeys and chicks) no wonder I'm going through 50# of chick starter a week good golly molly!!!!!! And you know what I blame you all, first no,one warns me how addicting chickens are or anything about chicken math. And now, now everyone waits until after I'm fully addicted to hatching go say be careful its addicting.
if it wasn't for all these hatch-a-long-a-thons, I'd be fine, not buried up to my eyeballs in chicks......................and also extremely bored

psst... poultry is addictive

and uhm.. there is this thing called "chicken math"

consider yourself warned

hey.. better late than never... right?


yuppers.. he's got mites... the vaseline and or oil works for the legs.. but the entire bird SHOULD be treated as well as the enclosure where the bird has been living . and any buddies he has. Sevin dust is pretty safe.. some people swear by wood ashes for dusting (and as a dust bath area)

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