**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

Feeling pretty good. Out of 27 Turkey eggs, only four clears. A few are questionable. All shipped eggs. My tutors all look good!
Wow - out of shipped eggs, I'd be ecstatic. Heck, I'd be happy to get those kind of results from non-shipped eggs. Congratulations! What do you plan to do with them all? DH walked in and looked at my incubators the other day and shook his head in amazement that I have that many eggs in them. I think he believes that *I* believe I know what I'm doing
I have no idea! There are a few local people who want some. I wasn't a few. Of course developing at this point and actually having are two different things. I'll know better in two weeks. My hatches vary between miserable and good. I've never had over about 70%, and that was with my own eggs.
I don't want to be a kill joy but.....can we do a little less of the quoting within the quoting? For those of us on slower connections, it is time consuming to load the page only to have to scroll past all of those quotes that have now been quoted a zillion times....
I know others have agreed with this and I am not trying to pick on anyone in particular (nudge, nudge Yinepu
but thank you for bringing this up. It has been driving me batty especially when I can only access the thread by phone. Huge kudos to those of you already cutting down the quotes. I honestly appreciate it!
Alrighty - Day 8 candling eggs results. I found 1 clear and 1 mostly clear with a red line, no veining looks like and early quitter.

Also found one that looks like it might be a late quitter? Need opinions on this egg, no movement:

On their stomachs. I forgot to mention that.
you have more than 1 mallard hen?.. are your hens and drakes related?

do the ducklings have their necks straight out?.. or curved over their backs?

here's a diagnostic chart
http://www.majesticwaterfowl.org/diagnostic chart.htm

hopefully you can pinpoint what's causing it..

if the necks were drawn over their backs I would say it's DVH.. but if I remember right you said the necks were stretched out in front
Well, I think my boys were too busy fighting each other to pay attention to the hens. I candled and pulled all but 13 of my 36 turkeys. On the bight side all 6 of Ariele's are still in as well as all the tutors. And since I had more space and a couple folks had backed out of their egg orders, there was nothing to do but set another 2 dozen Iowa Blues. I did decide I'm going to butcher my entire turkey flock this fall and start over with the pure bred Sweetgrass I just ordered from Porters. I decided since it doesn't cost any more to raise pure bred birds than mutts I might as well have a good flock.
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Yinepu, when you attributed it to laziness, that got me to thinking, because on my BYC, when I hit "quote" the only thing it quotes is what was written by that user - not any quotes that were in that post. So for me to do the quote within a quote thing is actually more work, not less. So I decided it must be an option setting and I went looking and found it. Under "edit account details" there is an option to select or de-select nesting quotes within quotes. I apparently had mine set not to do it. If you check or uncheck that box, quoting might become easier for you anyway, as then you won't have to edit so much.

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