**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

Quote: I always leave at least a couple older chicks (usually the smallest) from the last batch in the brooder to teach the next batch what to do with the food. No problems getting anyone to eat around here. But I hatch constantly in staggered hatches too. So I almost always have babies somewhere under a week old to show the next hatch what is what in the brooder.

Quote: I will have to watch how much scratch we add for at least the younger duckies & the poults then.

Oh by the way debs_flock - I loved that pic of the cat on the post! What a great caption. Sadly, our cat is almost that fat. I never let him overeat but he had a stroke last fall and had to be kept in confined quarters because he couldn't walk 4 steps without falling down. He enjoyed the 24/7 access to food. Very much.

My fourth poult I wasn't sure was going to make it as it was very weak this morning and even when I held it, made no attempt to get its legs under it and wasn't even whut-whutting when I talked to it. I've had it in an incubator by itself to give it time to recover and just heard it start yelling a minute ago. I went in and think it was looking for its Mama. So I now have it tucked in my shirt where it is back asleep but looking much more like it will soon be ready to join the land of the living. Yay!!!

Quote: Sorry
Hope multi-quotes are ok. Really no way to cut those down.
Wow that was alot to catch up on. Well found out the incubator isn't up to par with its size for heat. (it was some ones unfinished project.) Its a larger refridgerator and only has one bulb in it and a small space heater core & fan to blow the air around at the bottom. So I have me a project on my hands. Anyone ever do fridge conversion?
Looks like you have about a 3 week old pekin & a rouen the same age. If you can't find anything else just ad some brewer's yeast to the feed & moisten it so it sticks.

Thanks. I am off today to make "duck stops" the gal at the feed store told me I have to feed them game feed not chick feed, but I remember the other store had a starter feed that can be used for chicks and ducks. I am going to run off and get some of that so I don't need to separate them from the chicks just yet. I will see about the brewers yeast too. And maybe something bigger for them to swim in. I have a kiddie pool I will use when I get their shed renovated, but it needs a window and door repair. I am so excited. I have been trying to convince the hubs to let me have ducks for ages, and since these were in need of a home he didn't have a choice. Ha!
SilkieSensation multi quotes are fine.
It was the quotes where people were quoting upon quotes upon quotes where half the page was a triple or quadruple posting of the same posts. Ok enough of that.
I know y'all have been dying to see the Extra Secure Long Sleeved Jacket made for me by SCG. I am not yet modeling it, but I certainly took photos of it and the lovely detail work. I had asked for paisley print - I think paisley is a nice touch for such a garment - and she obliged with a very nice "half-paisley" with tiny flowers in the background.




Isn't it clever and darling and wonderful????!!!???
Linda thanks so much for the pics of the SJ!
SCG outdid herself.
Now, when do we get to see you modeling it?
I know y'all have been dying to see the Extra Secure Long Sleeved Jacket made for me by SCG.  I am not yet modeling it, but I certainly took photos of it and the lovely detail work.  I had asked for paisley print - I think paisley is a nice touch for such a garment - and she obliged with a very nice "half-paisley" with tiny flowers in the background. 

Isn't it clever and darling and wonderful????!!!??? 

:applause!: So lovely... And I would love to know where SCG got those poultry prints!
Oh, and I forgot to mention: I candled the turkey eggs today. Yes, I did! No fainting, now, although I am sure those who know I "don't candle" will be hyperventilating about it. :lol:

All six have something developing in 'em! <I>Whoot!</I>

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