**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

hello! just saw this and since i have turkey eggs incubating I thought I would jump in. I did not set on the right day, but will have lots of turkeys comming from now until the first week of June. this is my first time hatching. the first batch just hatched over the weekend. and I got 20 out of 28 eggs hatched. next batch goes on lock down in two days. that batch is 60 eggs. I also have a batch of 107 started on 4/10 and 104 on 4/20. I will start three more batches of 100+ over the next couple weeks.

the eggs are from red burbon, slate, and Narragansett hens with burbon toms.

My poor little light Brahma Panda, is now walking with bowed legs. This is her egg inside an egg with a double yolK, so 3 yolks total, next to an extra large jersey giant egg.
wish I had a scale.
WOW! That is some egg!
hello! just saw this and since i have turkey eggs incubating I thought I would jump in. I did not set on the right day, but will have lots of turkeys comming from now until the first week of June. this is my first time hatching. the first batch just hatched over the weekend. and I got 20 out of 28 eggs hatched. next batch goes on lock down in two days. that batch is 60 eggs. I also have a batch of 107 started on 4/10 and 104 on 4/20. I will start three more batches of 100+ over the next couple weeks.

the eggs are from red burbon, slate, and Narragansett hens with burbon toms.
Wow! Thats a ton of turks!
Announcing the winners of the
Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon
Poultry Poetry Contest

First Place

I will not choose a prize, afterall, I get to keep the ones that others don't choose!

I once had a hen that was broody.
She made the most foul smelling doodie.
Her eggs she kept warm
till all chicks were born,
and that would make anyone moody!

Second Place

Hurley chose the Six pack of Eggs From ChooksChick

The Acrobatic Hen
There once was a little brown hen,
who wouldn't be kept in a pen.
She'd fly to the top,
do 3 flips and a flop,
and find herself free once again.

Third Place

Chiques chicks
Chiques chicks chose the Mystery box! I think he will be happy with it!

There once was a crazy old man,
Came up with a so simple plan.
He'd get a few chicks,
He thought just for kicks,
Now they're all over his land.

Fourth Place

Chickenpooplady chose the Hen's choice Hatching Eggs from Wisher

There once was a rooster named Fred
He was not right in the head
He chased the hens
And wrecked the pens
But he sure did taste good with bread

Congratulations to all of our winners!

Thank you to all participants and those who helped us with the selection of winners by voting!

Congratulations to all!
I finally managed to snag a trio of turkeys!!! I'm picking up a nice young tom & 2 hens (a mother & daughter) from a friend on Wed. They started laying about a week ago & the eggs are fertile!! The best part: I swapped chicks for them & am building their pen out of 100% recycled materials & wire I already had on hand, so no cash out of pocket for them!!!!
I finally managed to snag a trio of turkeys!!! I'm picking up a nice young tom & 2 hens (a mother & daughter) from a friend on Wed. They started laying about a week ago & the eggs are fertile!! The best part: I swapped chicks for them & am building their pen out of 100% recycled materials & wire I already had on hand, so no cash out of pocket for them!!!!
That sounds fantastic. Swaps, bartering, recycled materials etc... I love it my kind of thinking.

What kind of Turkeys? Youll have to share pics of the beautiful trio.
Quote: Blue slates. He just traded out the tom for a younger 1, which is good because the original tom was daddy to the younger hen. This 1 is unrelated blood lines so that's a plus. I know what he paid for them a last summer when the poult was about 2 months old because I picked them up from the seller & delivered them for him. With now 2 laying hens & a fresh tom it's only $40 more than he originally paid so not bad at all. He's been trying to sell them to me since late fall & I finally had something he wanted in exchange for them. Now to get that pen finished tomorrow. We got the coop part (just a quick temporary set-up, but will work for a while) finished today all but the latch on the door. Tomorrow we have to get the fence up & the top on so they don't fly out & end up in the trees.
Just thought I'd check in. I'm so tired and I slept most of the afternoon away. My hypoglycemia attacked about an hour before dinner so I ate a sandwich and fell asleep on the couch until dinner was done. I went back to sleep after that and slept until about an hour ago and decided to get up for a bit and ended up candling a few eggs. My one Pekin egg is still going strong. I hope it makes it to hatch. I only candled 3 of the quail eggs and 2 of the 3 are doing fantastic. The chick in one of them has no spots near it, so I can see it plain as day. My 4 bantam EEs don't seem to be doing anything, but I'm holding out hope. My LF EE and EE over layer (BR from the looks of it!) are doing great. The one OEGB doesn't seem to be doing anything. My lone silkie is doing great (another I'm excited about!) and my bantam Cochin mix doesn't look like it's doing anything either. I set the only egg I had from my hen Tally with them to help gauge where they all should be at and it's doing fantastic as well!

I had a Dr's appointment today. They told me that everything looks good and I'm right where I'm supposed to be at. Next time I go in I get my final (I think) ultrasound to figure out how/where SJ is positioned, fluid volume, and to get my pre-admittance taken care of. My SIL had an appointment at the same time I did and they changed her C section date to this Friday. I get to see my 3rd niece earlier than I thought!

Some time after I got home my dad, Blu, and I ended up making a temporary grow out pen from a dog house and scraps of fence left over from tomato cages (I mostly watched) for Bob, Tripp, Dinner, and our 3 young hens. Bob decided he wanted to try to fight Tripp (my rose comb HRIR), but Tripp wanted nothing to do with it.
I'll try to get a pic up tomorrow since I missed my chance today by sleeping. The white game hen I have in the pen with them needs to be moved into Tally and Stupid's (yes, that's his name) cage. I'm too lazy to do it tonight, so I'll do it tomorrow night.

Goodnight everyone. I'm off to eat again and then go back to sleep. I don't want to be this tired tomorrow.
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