**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

SCG - I have to admit, I'm relieved, when you said SOMEONE is getting a SJ with epilets, I thought it was me. Whew! I really do prefer my Houndstooth with Crimson leather trim and straps. I'll stick to it.........
Quote: My PO told me about the sorter . . . . all the packaged DROP in to a mixer and come outon different belts. THey go round and round. I have often asked for non-machiable handling but that has been ignored all but once. Besides customers want the eggs ASAP-- and fortunately I hear back how often my little eggs are developing despite the rough handling!! Of course I learned to pack at a catalog company as a packer. Cushion cushion cushion. I was even a packing inspector for QC--


Second Annual Cinco De Mayo Turkey Hatch a long Digest 4-20-2013

Wolftracks sent an egg shipment that went up and down California for a week and the recipient was only three hours away…

Yinepu explained why some have so many bators—It’s like the way they sell hot dogs and buns…

Razadia can’t catch up! Broody hatched 5 fluffy yellow chicks…

SCG Rumors again….Not Pregnant! Mstrice and Razadia are…

Silkie Sensation cannot find fertile eggs….

Chickenpooplady is here to learn but not hatch! Get some eggs in that bator I Say!

Hurley shared some pictures of her Aussie pup.

Gryeyes shared that Turkey Poults say Whut. Do not call them little hooters however…

Mahonri wants to candle! He has had good and bad luck with broodies….

Gardengirl73 shared a great poem with us! X2 for white vinegar as a cleaner…

QuirkySue has an Aussie too!

Ronott1 posted pictures of a Duckling, Blue Egg Layer and a Bantam just hatched little guys.

Pkillian wants to know how to use a Leahy 416 Incubator.
I wish I knew.

Chicken pickin missed out on the TSC chick days end of event sale but is happy to have Turkey and Marans eggs ready to hatch!

Durr had a CDM baby hatch!

Razadia wanted a hatching calendar. A chart and a calendar were posted!

Dsqard shared an hardboiled egg technique!

Novanod1966 hatched out two poults and has them with Tutors!

HEChicken found a rotten duck egg and detonated it in a grocery bag. It smelled as bad as others have said they would smell
…Broody chick and Poult hatch did not work. Chickens hatched and the broody allowed the Poults to die in the shell, except for one that was barely alive in the shell. That one is in a tightly packed incubator.

Debs_flock posted turkey poult pictures.

Wildriverswolf90 posted pictures of Polish hens that she finally has in the colors wanted…
THank you ROn, it's like reading Cliff notes!!!

My first turkey poult just hatched


We should all give a big congratulations to Sally Sunshine for Processing her first meaties yesterday!

Great Job!
I remember my first bird so CONGRATS is in order for sure!!

since he was a BB the protein was too high.. I've had them die from the same thing when the protein was too high for them.. But Heritage turkeys do better on the higher protein feed... just gotta watch those broad breasted guys.. they will start out limping then keel over on you very quickly

Been absent for a while. Last Tues, we went to the store around 9:30pm, returning around 11:30, only to find one of our 1 year old puppies had suffered some slight injuries from an animal attack. Her injuries were not bad, from what we could see, but she had already gone into shock & died 2 hours later (April 17...the day before my birthday). As devastating as that has been, my 4 year old cat has some kind of fleshy growth in her nose that is interfering with her breathing. We've been hitting her with a wide spectrum of antibiotics (1 the vet prescribed & the other was by injection). There was some improvement initially, but the growth seems to be coming back. To biopsy it & take xrays, etc...is going to run me around $700. While I can handle that cost at the moment, I'm on reduced income due to being on workers comp for a back injury & have not worked for 6 months. DH is retired, but we've been making due. The cost the vet quoted is just diagnostic. Once we find out what it is, those costs will rise for treatment. I love this cat soooo very much!! I feel so helpless!
This growth may be a tumor & I have been reading about tumeric (curcumin) being something that may help. Anyone have experience with that? Overall, she seems to be acting normal again...except breathing like Darth Vader. While she has some of her appetite back, we are still force feeding her 2x/day to make sure she has enough. We also nebulize her with saline (Drs advice) for about 3-4 min after feedings.
I know this is way off topic, but I could really use some support right now. A friend suggested making a request for donations via Facebook. I am going to speak with the vet later today & ask if that can be set up so donations can go straight to the clinic.
Vets are rediculously expensive-- Sorry for the loss of the pup, and I hope they can treat your precious successfully!! Great idea on the DON via Facebook!!!

I'll donate 4 Bourbon Red eggs!!!!!

if she goes down on her legs she may very well end up dead .. if from nothing else than being able to move about and feed properly..
so long as she's still moving around ok you can try giving her extra niacin and see if you can catch it before it gets any worse... but if it's a genetic issue extra niacin won't help
I will have to separate her to make sure she gets the niacin. I have her in with 19 broilers & about 20 other chicks. Trying to remember what works best for niacin. Yeast
or am I not remembering right.

How old is she?..

You can use regular niacin from the store (human vitamins)
if you use a 500 mg tablet you can just break it into quarters and add 1/4 of the tablet to the drinking water (one tablet is good for about 4 gallons of water.. so 1/4 tablet per gallon)
I usually just crush the tablets up and sprinkle it into everyone's feed since I don't separate them from their buddies.. But then again our chick starter is lacking in niacin for the ducks.. and I use gamebird starter for the turkey poults.. (our gamebird starter has enough niacin for the poults).. so i use it as a preventative.
if you're adding it to the feed keep in mind that one 500 mg niacin tablet has enough niacin for around 45 to 50 ducks.. so you would only need a pinch for the poult if he eats all his food.. otherwise some of the niacin will settle to the bottom of the dish.. so a bit more never hurts

I would have to check the dosage for Brewers yeast since I don't normally use it.

an alternative is liquid B vitamins.. if you use a brand that delivers 20 mg of niacin per dropper.. so a half dropper would work for a poult that's around 4 weeks of age if you're direct dosing
I just moved here last September, and the house had been empty for a long time. It was basically a foreclosure property, so you have no idea what you have. At least I don't, so everything is strange. It would have been easier to have been able to ask someone about this or that.

Anyway, today we were working on the garden pond. Vandals had thrown the majority of the rocks into the pond, so we have been pulling them out, and raking, what seems to be 5 years worth of leaves, and trash. Today we finally got the pond completely drained. I moved some rocks on the waterfall part, and am working on placing the rocks around the edge of the liners. I plan on getting some gravel for the "stream" from the waterfall to the pond. After getting the rocks and gravel in we will refill it. I had no idea what I had or if it was any good. So unfortunately all the irrigation and spot lighting was torn out. We have spent lots of hours out there working on it and while it is changing, so far it isn't looking much better. I have wanted a pond FOREVER, so it is a labor of love, but darned if it isn't kicking my butt!
Love the work you are going!!! A real labor of love. Anything worth having is well worth the huge effort. Someday it will be beautiful, and will have become your vision. If you can post pics, I'd love to see . . .
Good Morning everyone!

What day is lockdown again for turkey? is it day 25?

Last night DH finally helped make the Fermented Feed hot water no strain method video.
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Tammy, That Was Too Funny!!!

Quote: Oh, Now I want you to crack it to see if there's an egg inside!!!!

I have been having such rotten luck with people on CL lately saying they want chicks and then flaking out. I hatched some blue/black sex link chicks (which I put pictures up here) and I had a lady say she wanted them but couldn't get them until the weekend (it was like a Tuesday). So I said I would hold them for her and come Friday she says her plans have changed and she can't get them. She was asking about shipping but I really don't want to go through all that work for 10 chicks. So I contact a guy who said he wanted them and and then after we started getting things set up for him to come out he just stops contacting me. Then yesterday a lady says she is coming at 4 to pick up the chicks. So at 4 I get an email saying she can't find my street. I email her back asking where she is at and right after that I send another email with my phone #. She was only 5 miles from my house but instead of trying to figure out where I am at she goes home. So frustrating!
Sounds like 2 people I've dealt with this month. But mine would just not reply once we got to the subject of meeting. Then after the day in question, come back with the I'm sorry I got busy lines. 4 times from 2 people in one month. Don't people have anything better to do?

Quote: <Giggle> Tammy thinks I'm a dude.....SHHHHHHHH!
LOL!! I must admit that I did too until I saw the "Bama Biddy", it cleared things up.
There are a lot of people on here I can't figure out, so I'll go to their profile looking for clues!

Good Morning everyone!

What day is lockdown again for turkey? is it day 25?

Last night DH finally helped make the Fermented Feed hot water no strain method video.

Good Morning !!
This was asked on another thread and I think its a pretty cool idea to know why others chose their sign on names!

Anyone want to share how you came up with your screen name?

I worked outside many years as Horticulturist, my hair was sun bleached and I was the happiest healthiest girl on the earth as I tended to the land and my nickname grew as Sunshine or Sunny. So it stuck for computer alias ever since! I have since turned to poo on the outside, but its still me on the inside.
But one day I will be healthy again, I have to keep kicking sick's butt until then!
I never had internet or technology at all, really, until about 2 years ago. A friend had to set up my e-mail account for me, so she told me to pick a name, I drew a blank. I looked over at my DD playing the game Cooking Mama on her DS. I love to Garden, and it just clicked "GardeningMama". That's my story, I got my name from a DS game, LOL!
Quotes in quotes times multiple becomes a stream of words and lines on a phone!
On my PC too!!!!!!!!!!
IT was a vertical letter puzzzzle.

Arielles reply---

Only a cat would think of this . . . .
NO that's not entirely correct--- add chicken, duck, and turkey!!!!
x 100000000000000000 Pull up a chair, sit, and throw scratch to the birds for 30 minutes. You need a break.
Ill play

Chicken Pickin:
The name came from a few years ago before I even knew id own chickens. We went to tractor supply often to take the kids to go see the chicks and they always wanted to pick them out to take some home. My Husband and I always told them one day we will go chicken pickin and have some chicks to bring home. So last year we went chicken pickin and started with our first 12 chicks. We slowly pick more chicks turkey and ducklings to add to our ever growing lttle backyard farm. We will probably always continue to go chicken pickin lol.
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Good morning all!

I believe I have just had my best and worst hatch all rolled into one. I had severa from my layer flock and Cochin pen as well as 6 shipped of mottled Cochin.

The best parts..
5 of 6 shipped eggs hatched
all except 1 of my eggs either hatched pipped or zipped

The bad parts
1 has an unabsorbed yolk sac
there was blood all over the bator from 1 that has like a bloody string out its belly
2 zipped partially around and stopped. After the first one died I decided to assist the second. After starting I decided it was almost as if the chick was too big for the egg. There were no veins left in the membrane and now all he needs to do is uncurl from the egg and hes out but hes still curled up for over an hour.
also the chicks seem "sticky" fuzz isn't fluffing the same. Humidity was high this time. Does that cause sticky chick?

So anyway...mixed feelings on this hatch. Advice and experiences appreciated.

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