**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

Quote: Thanks so much - you are a sweetie!
You are very welcome. I'm just sorry it's taking longer than planned to get those out to you. Tell your daughter I'm going to go try to shake eggs out of some ducks & see if that works.

SilkieSensation, I'm gonna talk to babbfel and see what I can get a hold of.
I may need to do that myself. I see a nice list of things I want in her siggy.

Quote: Can you PM me with a list of what you have & prices please
Raz-- sorry for the passing of your buddy.
Love the baby picture.
Quote: I have a pic of my dog on the wall , along with the family portraits. SHe's been gone some , , umm, , , 30 years now. Gone but not forgotten. I missed her for years too-- so I understand why you cried for 5 years. Glad you have a daily reminder of the good times.
Thank you everyone. I would have replied sooner, but I got so upset that I needed to take a nap. I still can't believe how attached I got to her. The only other duck I ever got attached to was a 22 year old mallard hen we inherited when my great aunt passed away. I think it was because Ducky was so much like Brownie in personality that it was like having the silly old girl back. I asked dad if she was laid out any particular way, but it seems she passed in her sleep like our Pekin drake did earlier this year. My only problem with that conclusion is that he was somewhere between 5 and 10 years old.

If Ducky's egg hatches, that will be one spoiled duckling. I don't care if it turns out to be a hen or a drake I'm keeping it.
Thank you everyone that posted a pic to get me clothed. MANY MANY great selections. Here I am fullly clothed for the first time!!

Oh, and the name Arielle is the name of my very first chicken. My family all fell in love with her inspite of her standoffish Easter Egger ways. She is responsible for the need for incubators, hatchers, coops and more coops. She free ranges everyday . . . but lays a pink egg.
My avatar fulfills my need for blue eggs!!

Again, THANK YOU to EVERYONE to help me find the right avatar.

Your new clothes look beautiful!
I can't take this anymore. I lost my Pekin hen, Ducky, some time last night or early this morning.
I don't really even like ducks that much, but she managed to find a place in my heart from the moment I saw her in that bin all by herself at the feed store last year. I asked dad how she looked this morning, from the sound of things she passed in her sleep like Aflack did earlier this year. Only difference is he was around 5 years old when he passed and ducky was just a bit over a year old. I still have one of her eggs that should be hatching around Sunday if it makes it.

This is the only pic I have of her. It's from the day we brought her home.

So sorry.

Here is a picture of the two Turkey Poults that hatched:

So cute.

Baby pictures!

The four SFH that hatched.

Congrats! They are cuties!
Hooboy! I think I got my ducks locked down just in time! Day 25 and there were several internal pips and I got yelled at while candling! :lau I had still not decided whether or not I would hatch in cartons or on their sides (I use a turner) but the internal pips decided me in favor of up in cartons. :fl Go, duckies, go!

Was tickled to have a friend and a future duck owner over today, and she also got to see the candling and hear the peeping. :D

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