**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

Hey everyone!
Today is day 18 for me as of 10 pm, but I have an emergency question!!

I came home from work today and my incubator was 102!! We finally have some beautiful sunny weather and it was pretty warm outside today, and the upstairs of my house was REALLY warm even though the windows were open a little... Will my eggs still be okay?? Did I cook them?! I turned the incubator down and I am going to candle them and add water for lockdown very soon..
My day brightened up quite a bit. I candled my lone duck egg from Ducky that I moved from the bator to under a broody. It's doing well, thankfully. I just hope it hatches. I haven't candled the eggs in the bator yet, but I plan to do that tonight.

I got to talk to my soon-to-be MIL a bit ago. I love talking to her. I haven't gotten the chance to meet her yet since she lives in Daytona, FL, but she plans to be here when SJ is born and I'm excited about it.
Hey everyone!
Today is day 18 for me as of 10 pm, but I have an emergency question!!

I came home from work today and my incubator was 102!! We finally have some beautiful sunny weather and it was pretty warm outside today, and the upstairs of my house was REALLY warm even though the windows were open a little... Will my eggs still be okay?? Did I cook them?! I turned the incubator down and I am going to candle them and add water for lockdown very soon..

They are most likely fine!

Set the incubator for 98.5 at lockdown.
Hey everyone!
Today is day 18 for me as of 10 pm, but I have an emergency question!!

I came home from work today and my incubator was 102!! We finally have some beautiful sunny weather and it was pretty warm outside today, and the upstairs of my house was REALLY warm even though the windows were open a little... Will my eggs still be okay?? Did I cook them?! I turned the incubator down and I am going to candle them and add water for lockdown very soon..

I think they should be fine. 102 isn't too bad.
Hey everyone!
Today is day 18 for me as of 10 pm, but I have an emergency question!!

I came home from work today and my incubator was 102!! We finally have some beautiful sunny weather and it was pretty warm outside today, and the upstairs of my house was REALLY warm even though the windows were open a little... Will my eggs still be okay?? Did I cook them?! I turned the incubator down and I am going to candle them and add water for lockdown very soon..
Should be fine. I've had mine survive spikes to 116F a couple times. It was the spike to 120F that killed the whole batch.
Mine run up to 102F all the time & as long as they don't go above I don't even worry about it.
I was supposed to go into lockdown this morn but havent gotten around to cleaning the hatcher. I had a hatch just complete and was giving the remaining eggs a little more time. I started cleaning it tonight but its not disinfected yet. They will go into lockdown tomorrow Is it ok to go into lockdown a day late? The eggs are still in a auto turner.
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I was supposed to go into lockdown this morn but havent gotten around to cleaning the hatcher. I had a hatch just complete and was giving the remaining eggs a little more time. I started cleaning it tonight but its not disinfected yet. They will go into lockdown tomorrow Is it ok to go into lockdown a day late? The eggs are still in a auto turner.
I've gone into lockdown 2 to 3 days late before and been fine, so a day late should be perfectly fine so long as they don't decide to pip early.
Why 98.5? Won't they be okay at 100? I got them back down to 100 pretty quickly and I am going to be SUPER vigilant :)

SilkieSensation answered, but the chicks are also supposed to hatch better at a lower temperature. 98.5 is still in the same incubation zone too.

Since you already had a temperature spike I would worry that it may happen again, go higher or longer. The high temperatures may not kill them but it does make them get stuck and not absorb the yolk as well.

Report back and post pictures when they hatch!
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