**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

Well my only blue slate poult had some misadventure with the waterer and drown but it actually saved me from putting it down tonight. It was not looking so good this morning and DS called me to say it was getting worse during the day. Dang it but these things happen. I do have one penciled palm working its way out now. I think it will be the last one to hatch. Happy to get one though!
Quote: Congrats! You now pray it's a girl so you can keep her!!
I have a question, would it be a good idea to use vinegar diluted in water to clean the wound on my hen? She had a patch of skin and feathers ripped out the other day when the dogs attacked. I haven't been able to find any other way to clean the wound and get the last bit of dirt and grass out of it. I don't want to use peroxide or alcohol on her, it just seems like a bad idea to me. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about that. We also don't have any neosporin around or anything like it without a painkiller in it, so I was thinking about using Vaseline in it's place.

Both ideas (vinegar and Vaseline) came from after my dad had surgery on his face to remove skin cancer. It's what his Dr said to do and I want to know if it could be done to my hen with the same results.

She came out of shock yesterday and started eating and drinking again today. So long as she doesn't get an infection I know she'll make it.
Pain reliever found in ointment is okay as long as it isn't one that ends in '-aine.' Novacaine, benzocaine, etc...THESE are the ones that are dangerous for poultry.

I have used spray Neosporin many times when I didn't want to touch a wound like the one you describe. If there's tons of skin missing, you can coat non-sticking gauze with triple antibiotic and use paper first aid tape to secure it, then vet wrap to hold the whole thing on. The skin will crystalize back in, but takes a while, and she'll want to rejoin her pals long before it's safe to have others around the wound unprotected.
I brought in a nice calm friend for my injured girl to keep her company. Happened to be her brood mate & very close to her age & weight so they had always gotten along well. That way she wasn't alone in isolation for a month while she recovered. You just have to watch the friend doesn't pick her bandages or wound once it's uncovered.
I actually have Hennrietta in the pet carrier with her and I've had no problems with her picking at the game hen's bandages. I got her wound all cleaned up and it's looking good. It hasn't been bleeding today. Still no signs of infection, so I think the antibiotics are doing their job. She even decided to escape again today while I was giving them their food and water before I could get to cleaning the wound.

Still no quail, but the one that was trying to zip was shrink wrapped. It wasn't ready to come out yet either. I fixed the humidity problem again.... sorta. Instead of going to 40% it shot up to 55.
No more shrink wrapped chick. Now I'm worried about drowning the others. I had to take out the paper towel to bring it back down some. I haven't had this many problems with humidity since I got the humidity gauge.
I will mix up some sugar water for my wobbly poult. For the time being, because the weather is SO much cooler today, I put it back into the incubator with its sibling. I just don't think it was keeping warm enough under the EcoGlow, at least not as toasty as it can inside the 'bator.

The tutors are a bit too active for it right now.

Poult #2 got out of its half shell but tumbled out onto its back into one of the egg carton cups. Got a good kick going on, so IT has energy.
Congrats to those who had/are having good hatches!
to those who have not.

I made the mistake of leaving the turkey eggs in the Farm Master to hatch and I could not get the humidity up. First poult out was fine (must of pipped and popped quickly) and in the morning there were two zippers (small) and pips on many eggs. I had planned a busy day to avoid hanging around the incubator all day. By the end of the day, I knew there was trouble since there was no progress on the eggs that were zipping in the morning. I removed them and checked them. I lost one of the zippers and saved one. I put the eggs in the LG with high humidity and four more had hatched by morning. I took the LG into the bathroom and turned on the hot shower and took out the new arrivals and checked the others. One tutor and 3 poults were still viable so left them in. All hatched but I bathed all of them to get rid of the "glue" and returned them to the LG to dry off before adding them to the group today.
I ended up with 9 poults and 1 tutor. No pictures yet.......maybe tomorrow......
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Shrink wrapped chick needed some help. I pulled off just enough shell that it could get out, but it had to work for it. Now most of the other eggs are pipped and getting ready to hatch. I'll post picks tomorrow. I can't believe how tiny the quail chick is! I was scared to take it out of the bator. It's little feet kept going through the wire so I put it in a little chip dip container with a paper towel in the bottom. It looks like its feet are curled, but it may just be me worrying too much.

I'm off to bed. I'm tired from all the excitement!
I have 1 turkey hatched yesterday afternoon from the CdM hatch. A second had pipped by the time I went to bed last night and has enlarged the pip by this morning but isn't zipping yet. Several other eggs are rocking but haven't pipped yet. They sure are taking their sweet time! These eggs were under a broody duck for most of the time they were incubating and the duckling hatched almost a week late so maybe her body temperature runs a little low. Its not that she spent a lot of time off the nest, I don't think - she was almost always on when I saw her and on the rare occasion I caught her off the nest, she was guzzling down feed and water so she could hurry back to it.

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